New TV program

Visual arts with movement over time: film, video, etc.<br>
Artes visuales con movimiento que dura un periódo de tiempo: cine, video, etc.

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New TV program

Post by Carlos »

The well known Asturian etnographer and friend of mine Alberto Alvarez Peña, aka Berto Peña, tell me that he's in charge of a new program in local TV Telegijón, "Marabayu", wich includes some themes as folk tales and legends, etnography and so.

This program is broad twice at a week, Tuesdays at 21.30 pm and repeated Sundays at 22 pm (Spanish time).

This nigth he interviews Javier Fernández Conde, professor of Medieval History at the University of Oviedo, and they will talk about Gonzalo Pelaez, an Asturian independentist nobleman that fought in 12th century against the Emperor Alfonso VII (at this time established in Leon) in defence of Asturies, a kind of our own William Wallace.

You can see it in streaming at

Greetings 8)
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Post by is »

I just saw Berto Pena's show on 'Chalgueiros' (treasure hunters) on the local television in Xixon/Gijon. I was pleasantly surprised by the editing and the general contents. This show was about treasure hunters in County Teberga/Teverga, up in the high mountain valleys of west-central Asturias. Berto interviewed older people in the area next to 'horros' (traditional Asturian granaries) and asked them, in West Asturian, about stories they had heard regarding treasure hunters who raided archaeological sites of Iron Age hillforts. The stories of 'mouros' and 'mouras' in Asturias refer not to any Moorish settlements in Asturias, but to the culture pre-dating the Roman invasion in 29 BC. That has always been a source of confusion to me. Anyway, thanks for the heads up on 'Marabayu', Carlos.


Tou acabante ver el programa de Berto Pena col titulu de 'Chalgueiros' na television de Xixon. Paeciome bien guapo cumo taba feito, sobremanera el montax ya los contenios de 'Marabayu'. El programa que viera you foi sobre los chalgueiros (ayalgueros) nos val.les altos del oucidente d'Asturias del conceyu Teberga. Berto feixo entrevistas con xente del l.lugar solhorru ya entrugo-ys sobre hestorias de chalgueiros nos xacimientos arqueoloxicos de la Eda del Fierro. Las hestorias que cuntan sobre 'mouros' ya 'mouras' nun tienen que ver conos arabes n'Asturias, senon que falan de la cultura pre-romana, ia decir, enantes la invasion d'Asturias per Roma en 29 A.C. Siempre foi pouco nidio eso de 'mouros' en l.lugares cumo Vil.lademouros (Conceyu Valdes), pulo menos pa min. Gracias, Carlos, pol 'heads up'.
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