Expolangues (Paris, France)

Vocabulary & grammar of Asturian & Bable, comparisons with Castilian.<br>
Vocabulario y gramática de asturianu y bable, comparaciones con castellano

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Expolangues (Paris, France)

Post by is »

Here is yet another installment of hypocrisy in Asturias regarding language rights. The Principality is paying fees at Expolangues, a language & literature event in Paris, to promote Asturian. An odd bit of news, given that neither Asturian nor the Galician spoken in Asturias have any legal status in the principality and are referred to as ‘dialects’ in Spanish textbooks, largely as a result of 40 years of Franco’s indoctrination.

In its usual Franco-era mode, the PSOE-led government of Vicente A. Areces, by way of his office of Cultural Promotion, is now shelling out money to pay for a stand and later be able to say: ‘But we spent all that money at Paris’ Expolangues! How can you say we don’t support the local language?’

How long is this surrealist pseudo-Socialist government going to keep thumbing its nose at its own constituents?

http://www.elcomerciodigital.com/gijon/ ... 11408.html


Eiqui vei outra vegada un exemplu de la hipocresia que vive Asturias no cincante a los dreitos l.linguisticos. El Principau vei pagar tasas pa tar presente en Expolangues, una amuesa de l.linguas ya l.literatura en Paris, en sofitu del asturianu. Seique una migaya rarina esta noticia que sal guei na paxina d’Internet del Comercio sabiendo perbien que nin l’asturianu nin el gal.lego d’Asturias tienen dengun marcu l.legal dalu no principau.

Pa los que nun tan aliel.los, nos l.libros de testo del estau espanol siguen faciendo referencia a l’asturianu cumo a un ‘dialeutu’, igual que nos anos de la dictadura de Franco. Nel sou xeitu neo-franquista, el gobiernin del PSOE, con Vicente A. Areces alantre ya altravies de la sua oficina de Promocion Cultural, agora vei pagar perras pa dir a Paris. Too el.lo, claro, cona sida de despueis poder decir: ‘Pero si gastamos perras asgaya pa dir a Expolangues! Como que nun sofitamos l’asturianu?

Cuanto vei durar un gobiernu surrealista como el de la FSA, pseudo-socialista, que insulta de tala manera a los sous votantes?

http://www.elcomerciodigital.com/gijon/ ... 11408.html
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