Well, how `bout Edwards??

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Post by Betty »

Xose, I hear you loud and clear. I was just wondering what we might expect in voter turnout this election. I checked Wikipedia for historical data:

" Different countries have very different average voter turnouts. For example, in the United States, approximately 70% of the eligible population registers to vote, which may be an important contributing factor in the low average election turnout, which in recent decades just barely has topped 50% of voting age population in presidential elections. However, in 2004, election turnout was up to 64% of the voting age US citizens[1]. In Australia, which has compulsory voting, and Malta, participation reaches 95%. These differences are believed to be caused by a mix of cultural and institutional factors.

So here we have 2004 numbers (assuming they are pretty close to accurate). I didn't think the percentages were this high for participation.
It will be interesting to see how we fare in this election.

AND by the way, compulsory voting in Australia and Malta? What do you know about that! (Malta - now there was an unusual language! But that's another thread entirely.)

On the Republican side, what in the world do we think Mike Hukabee is about? If one does the math, he cannot compile sufficient delegates; and he admits it! He told Tim Russert on Meet the Press this past Sunday that he is in it until John McCain reaches the magic number. I guess I am missing something there.

And Mouguias, as to your suggestion, this election process is purportedly the USA way to "topple" the guys who led us into this situation. The problem becomes more interesting when the Congress attempts to initiate change. Today the current Republican President can veto legislation. All that will change when/if the Democrats succeed in their bids for Presidency. I read today if Mr. Obama succeeds, he will bring with him new seats numbering in the high 70s... THEN we will see a difference among all "those guys."

Should John McCain succeed, it is believed he is such a liberal Republican that we might not notice that he has an "R" after his name.

What a revolting development this is. (Does anyone else remember The LIfe of Riley?)
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Post by Art »

Huckabee could be preparing for the next election, but it's also possible that he's continuing just in case something bizarre happens. McCain isn't young. Something bad could happen to him.

Betty, what were you thinking about "The LIfe of Riley"?


Huckabee podría ser preparandose para la elección siguiente, pero es también posible que está siguiendo por si acaso suceda algo extraño. McCain no es joven. Algo malo podía sucederle.

¿Betty, qué pensaba sobre "la vida de Riley"?
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Post by Xose »

Whoa Art! I hadn't even considered that! Kind of a macabre idea, but maybe? :?:
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Post by Betty »

The Life of Riley? Well then you must not remember his favorite line..
"What a Revolting Development This Is!" My mother cannot believe I remember that from TV, but goes to show you what children tuck away in their little brains!

On the Huckabee situation; I made the same observation to my husband.
And yes it is a macabre thought, and there are other thoughts in that vein that I refuse to mention as they are even more macabre. Let's hope nothing happens to Mr. McCain!
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Post by is »

Art wrote:Huckabee could be preparing for the next election, but it's also possible that he's continuing just in case something bizarre happens. McCain isn't young. Something bad could happen to him.
Yes, that kind of jolted me too. One of those things you don't entertain until someone like Art brings it up as an aside.

I have noticed a certain doddering in McCain. During his epic uneventful 'walk through Baghdad' on CNN last year, it struck me how far away he was from reality. At the time, I attributed it to his agenda, but also to his advanced years.

Frankly, I don't know what demographic that particular piece of news was catering to, but it certainly wasn't mine. I sort of felt sorry for his disconnect.
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Post by Art »

Art wrote:Huckabee ... it's also possible that he's continuing just in case something bizarre happens. McCain isn't young. Something bad could happen to him.
I shouldn't have written "bizarre". We're all going to die. That shouldn't be at all shocking, but it is!

Art wrote:Huckabee ... es también posible que está siguiendo por si acaso suceda algo extraño. McCain no es joven. Algo malo podía sucederle.
No debo haber escrito "extraño". Todos vamos a morir. ¡Eso no debe ser impactante, sino es!
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Post by Barbara Alonso Novellino »

By the way, there are many people who are just as sharp in their 70's as someone much younger.

I am of that advanced age and take exception...


Wow Art!

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Post by Xose »

Barbara, 70 is the new 40! :D
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