Recipe for Black beans? Recetas para Judias negras?

Dry bean dishes, one-pot meals, etc.<br>
Platos de judias secas, comidas en una olla, etc.

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El Tampeno
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Black Beans recipe- a la Cubana

Post by El Tampeno »

Hi Friends...per popular demand (at least Art and Amor), I'm pleased to share with you my recipe for Cuban-style black beans. This is a dish with many slight variations, but this one is time-tested and was given to me by a woman whose grandparents were Spanish immigrants to Cuba in the mid 1800's. The family ultimately settled in Tampa and opened the Columbia restaurant in Ybor City in 1905...and they're still going strong!!!!


1 lb. black beans, dried
2 qts water
2 medium yellow onions, chopped fine (do not use sweet onions)
1 bay leaf
2 large green peppers, cut in strips (remove seeds and inner pulp)
1/2 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon oregano
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
OPTIONAL: jigger of dry white wine and/or several
tablespoons of white vinegar (recommend both)

White rice, cooked (see separate recipe below)
Chopped onions for garnish (optional)
Extra olive oil/vinegar for garnish (optional)


Before washing beans, spread on flat surface and pick out broken beans and foreign particles. Wash beans thoroughly and soak overnight in 2 qts of water. Next day, pour beans and water into a 4-qt soup kettle and bring to a boil. Cover and cook over medium heat.
(NOTE: if unable to plan ahead, it's OK to NOT soak the beans; simply cook longer until beans are tender)

Meanwhile, in a skillet, sautee onions and green pepper in olive oil until light golden (be careful to not burn the ingredients). Add crushed oregano, bay leaf, cumin and garlic. Stir for a short while being careful to not burn the ingredients. Add mixture to beans, stirring well. Add salt and pepper and cook SLOWLY, over low heat, COVERED, until beans are tender. This is approximately 1 1/2 hours if beans were pre-soaked, probably an additional hour or so if not pre-soaked. this can differ from batch to batch, simply cook until beans are tender but not completely broken up.

At end of cooking process, add the optional white wine and/or vinegar, stir a couple of times, place lid on kettle and turn off the flame. Allow to sit at least 30 minutes prior to serving...this allows the flavors to meld very nicely.


2 cups long-grain white rice, uncooked
3 1/2 cups water
2 cloves of garlic, mashed
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons peanut oil (any good oil is OK, but peanut is the best.)
1 teaspoon lemon or lime juice (I prefer lime)

Process: Heat oil in a shallow saucepan (about 3 inches deep and 10 inches in diameter). Fry garlic in hot oil until golden. BE CAREFUL TO NOT BURN THE GARLIC, THIS WILL IMPART A BITTER TASTE TO THE RICE. Discard the garlic. Add the rice and stir until rice is coated with hot oil. Add water, salt and juice. Bring to a boil, lower heat, cover and steam for 18 minutes. Fluff the rice with a large two-tined fork and serve immediately.

Serve black beans over the white rice and garnish with any combination of the following: raw onions, olive oil, white vinegar. (not too much vinegar, but to taste, of course)

Beans can also be eaten as a soup, with no rice. I would suggest using a little more water, not much more, so that soup is slightly thinner than that
used over the rice. Soup can be garnished with chopped hard-boiled eggs as well as the other garnishes mentioned above.

Cooking is done when beans are tender and the surrounding liquid is deep purple/black and not watery. If beans appear to be too thick, gradually add small amounts of boiling water during cooking process (I usually keep a tea kettle with boiling water in case needed) If beans appear too runny as cooking time approaches end leave kettle top slightly open allowing steam to escape and mixture will thicken.


ENJOY !!!!

Tony Carreno...aka "El Tampeno".
Tony Carreno/Tampa Florida
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fabes negres!

Post by Olga »


Para los negritos o moros y cristianos:
400 g de negritos (frijoles negros)
½ cebolla (125 a 150 g)
3 cucharadas soperas de aceite de oliva
1 cucharita de postre de pimentón dulce
Agua para cubrir

Para el arroz:
3 cucharadas soperas de aceite de oliva
2 dientes de ajo
4 tacitas de café de arroz blanco (redondo)
8 tacitas de café de agua


Los negritos son una legumbre típica asturiana. Se trata de una “faba” pequeña de color negro y con un puntito blanco. De no disponer de negritos podríamos emplear alubias pintas.

Es necesario que los negritos estén a remojo desde la víspera. Para cocinarlos, ponemos en la olla los negritos, la cebolla picada, el aceite y el pimentón, acto seguido cubrimos con agua. Cerramos la olla y cocemos 6 minutos –los tiempos dependerán de cada tipo de olla-. Es importante no pasarse con el tiempo de cocción porque los negritos podrían deshacerse al cocer en exceso. Será conveniente realizar el proceso a baja potencia. Transcurrido el tiempo de cocción y de despresurización de la olla, colocamos de nuevo a fuego mínimo, removemos, añadimos sal y dejamos que vayan terminando de hacerse lentamente hasta obtener la textura deseada, generalmente un caldo espesito.

Por otro lado prepararemos el arroz. En una cacerola ponemos el aceite, y cuando esté caliente, freímos el ajo, cortado en láminas más bien gruesas, hasta que esté ligeramente dorado. Ojo con no quemar el ajo, o nos estropeará el plato. Una vez hecho lo anterior, incorporamos el arroz, que rehogaremos con el aceite removiéndolo un poco con una cuchara de madera. Cuando veamos que el arroz adquiere un tono blanco opaco incorporamos el agua y añadimos sal al gusto. Dejamos que el arroz se cueza a fuego medio-bajo hasta que se vaya secando. Cuando el líquido ha desaparecido por completo, cubrimos la cacerola, apartamos del fuego y dejamos reposar 5 minutos.

Cuando el arroz haya reposado, servimos los negritos y acompañamos por dos cucharadas de arroz –al que habremos retirado los ajos-. Un consejo de presentación es poner el arroz en una flanera o en un vaso y volcarlo sobre el plato, así tendrá forma de flan.

es un poco tarde pero espero q allude a solucionar la duda de los moros y cristianos
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Post by Art »

¡Bienvenida, Olga!
Y gracias por la receta. Voy a probarla.


Welcome, Olga!
And thanks for the recipe. I'll try it.
Raquel M
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Mi receta!!!!

Post by Raquel M »

Bueno, pues yo les voy a compartir mi receta exclusiva de frijoles
negros....los aprendi a hacer desde muy nina cuando vi a mi madre
una Nochebuena botando muy misteriosamente en medio de la noche
un bolso enorme de latas vacias....el secreto de los deliciosos frijoles
de mi madre eran frijoles Kirby, yo sigo la tradicion y le hago a todos
el cuento que los cocine yo solita!!!
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