Elecciones a Cortes Gen. 28/4/2019 Elections for the Cortes

What is needed for Asturias to prosper?<br>
¿Qué se precisa para que Asturias prosperará?

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Elecciones a Cortes Gen. 28/4/2019 Elections for the Cortes

Post by Art »

Elecciones a Cortes Generales 28/4/2019
A nuestros miembros asturianos:
¿Cuáles son los temas más importantes para esta elección?
¿Quiénes son los candidatos principales y qué dicen sobre estos temas?
¿Es la independencia catalana actualmente un tema candente en Asturias?


General Elections for the Cortes 4/28/2019
To our Asturian members:
What are the most important issues in this election?
Who are the major candidates and what are they saying about those issues?
Is Catalan independence currently an important topic in Asturias?
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Post by Terechu »

1) The most important issues in my circle of friends are the air pollution, the aging of the population, the fact that everyone we know is sick or has a health problem (we can never be thankful enough to live in a country with free medical care).
2) The main candidates are known and none of them can say two meaningful sentences right behind eachother.
3) Those that can speak are too radical, in short, we have a pityful bunch of "climbers". Oh yes, they do not talk about politics, either. I don't know what they're going to do about pollution, fossil fuels, etc. I don't know if they are for or against immigration...
4) The Catalan issue is looked upon with the same impatience as the Basque issue in its day: who do they think the are?
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Post by Art »

That's interesting, Terechu.

What's causing the decreased air quality? Didn't heavy industry in Asturias decline with resulting clear skies a decade or two ago?

Friends in La Mancha say the same about Catalan independence. I do wonder, though, what could stop a region from seceding?
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