
Suggest a new forum theme or link.<br>Tell us about a photo or article you want to add to the site.<br>
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Carlos M Gutierrez Colsa
Posts: 17
Joined: Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:59 pm
Location: Mexico


Post by Carlos M Gutierrez Colsa »

Tengo una buena cantidad de fotografias tomadas en diferentes partes de Asturias, en los años 50. Son de Llanes,La Borbolla y otros lugares algunas son de paisajes y otras son de grupos.

Si les intersa las puedo escanear y quizas algunas de las personas que aparecen en ellas puedan ser identificadas.

Saludos y Gracias

trans. Art

I have a good number of photographs taken in different parts of Asturias in the 1950s. They are of Llanes, La Borbolla, and other places. Some are of landscapes and others are of groups of people.

If you're interested in them, I can scan them and perhaps some of the people who appear in them can be identified.

Greetings and Thanks,
Saludos de Mexico
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Post by Art »

Hola, Carlos,

Sí, creo que las nos interesarán. He puesto instrucciones aquí: ... =7716#7716


Hello, Carlos,

Yes, I think we'd be interested. I've put instructions here: ... =7716#7716
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