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You can stay here...

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:10 pm
by Anuska
but you can be sure that it doesn't matter how smart you are nor how many certificates and qualifications you have. You'll probably fail in getting a decent job. But when you decide to stay, you know what the risks are, so you have to decide and don't fool yourself.

Finding a good job, in which salary matches your qualifications, is a hard task (it certainly is an urban legend). And you still need to have connections to get one :shock:

Sad but true, I always say my nephews (who have just started their ingeneering studies in Gijón) to take the road as soon as they finish and go find a better future abroad, not as I did coming back here.

I really hope your predictions on a new post-Areces era will come true. We we'll hopefully put an end to the sad situation this region is living, but I really feel Areces is not running for the next elections 'cos he certainly knows he is not going to be voted. I think we've seen enough.

Best regards.

Esta es la última campaña de publicidad de turismo de Astu

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:18 am
by chanquete ... 0yZ8JvUCpA

Asturias, lo dice todo el mundo (subtitulada en Inglés)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:23 am
by Art
Hello, Chanquete. I've moved your message here, where you can see other comments on this video. We'd be interested in hearing what you think of the video.


Hola, Chanquete. He movido tu mensaje aquí, donde puedes ver otros comentarios sobre este vídeo. Nos interesaría oír tus ideas sobre el vídeo.

Tapaera publicitaria/Advertising cover

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:23 pm
by Anzu
Toi dalcuerdu dafechu con Marta, l'anunciu da una imaxe idealizada d'Asturies que nun se correspuende cola so realidá.

Esti anunciu nun ye más qu'otru triesti y percaru intentu de facer un llaváu públicu d'imaxe n'Asturies cola simplista opinión de que podemos caltenenos namái gracies al turismu. Cola mitá de lo que costó esti anunciu (cuyes perres sacáronse de los fondos europeos) podría invertise en texíu industrial o meyores sociales, daqué qu'a llargu plazu revierta en nós.

Tamién hai qu'esclariar lo que se comentó d'Areces y'l Niemeyer. El simple fechu de qu'esista ye obsceno amás d'illegal: el gobiernu del PSOE, con perres públiques, entama y financia una empresa privada, a la que sovenciona pa costruyir un edificiu monolíticu col envís otra vuelta de da-y un valir a Asturies. Pero enriba el presidente "honoríficu" de dicha fundación ¡ye'l propiu presidente del gobiernu que da les perres, Areces!

De mou qu'agora que finó'l so terroríficu y patéticu mandatu, atopámonos con que tien un puestín en dicha fundación, col que siguirá robando de los fondos públicos d'Asturies unos añinos más, o pue qu'entá más, porque'l sueldu ye de por vida.

Por daqué'l so partíu ta siendo xudicialmente investigáu, tan cayendo comu mosques.


I agree with Marta, the advert gives an idealized image of Asturies that does not correspond to the reality.

This advertisement is nothing else but another sad and extremely expensive attempt to clean the image publicly of Asturies with the simplistic view that we can self-fulfill just with the tourism. With the half of what this advertisement costed (which money was taken from the Erupean funds), it could be invested in industrial structure and social improvements, something that could revert on us in long term

There must be highlighted what was mentioned about Areces and the Niemeyer. The simple fact of its existence is obscene apart of being illegal: the PSOE government, with public money, creates and finances a private company, subscidyzing it to buy a monolithic building with the aim again of givig Asturies a some kind of value. But moreover, the "honorific" president of the aforementioned foundation is the president of the government himself, who gives the money, Areces!

So now that his terrifying and pathetic mandate, we find that has a job in that foundation, with which we will stealing from the public funds of Asturies for a few more years, or some more, because the salary is for life.

Not for nothing his political party is being judicially investigated, they are really knocked out


Estoy totalmente deacuerdo con Marta, el anuncio da una imagen idealizada de Asturies que no se corresponde con su realidad.

Este anuncio no es más que otro triste y extremadamente caro intento de hacer un lavado público de imagen en Asturies con la simplista opinión de que podemos mantenernos nada más gracias al turismo. Con la mitad de lo que costó este anuncio (cuyo dinero se sacó de los fondos europeos), podría haberse invertido en tejido industrial o en mejoras sociales, algo que a largo plazo revierta en nosotros.

También hay que resaltar lo que se comentó de Areces y del Niemeyer. El simple hecho de que exista es obsceno además de ilegal: el gobierno del PSOE, con dinero público, crea y financia una empresa privada, a la que subvenciona para construir un edificio monolítico con el interés otra vez de darle un valor a Asturias. Pero encima el presidente "honorífico" de dicha fundación ¡es el propio presidente del gobierno que da el dinero, Areces!

De modo que ahora que acabó su terrorífico y patético mandato, nos encontramos con que tiene un puestito en dicha fundación, con el que seguirá robando de los fondos públicos de Asturiesn por algunos años más, o puede que incluso más, puesto susueldo es de por vida.

Por algo su partido político está siendo judicialmente investigado, están cayendo como moscas

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:36 am
by Ronzalez
I think this video is depressing and horrific.

I think it's a portrait of a once-proud region that is now a smouldering crater of cultural backwardness, thanks to the deranged relentlessness of a quiet and demure little warden of death named Francisco Franco.

Were it not for Franco and his ilk, four generations of my family would not have been forced to evacuate Asturias and squander their lives in these United States of Germanica. Franco crippled his own people in the name of his half-baked uber-Catholic notion of "true Spain", and held them back for the benefit of his true friends, the good ol' Nazis of Germany.

Later, with the Nazi regime crushed and Adolf Hitler needing an escape route, Franco was only too happy to join the Odessa movement and give Hitler safe entrance into Barcelona, and then across the country to Galicia (Franco's native region), and then via boat across the Atlantic to Patagonia and the town of Bariloche, in Argentina, where he would father children with Eva Braun and live to a ripe old age, dying peacefully and without punishment for his crimes: ... 1960s.html

For forty years, Franco held his own people back while the rest of the world -- particularly the Germanic world, through the tireless efforts of scientists like Verner von Braun and the Bush family -- would make enormous strides in science, technology, engineering, and transportation that would allow them to basically rule the world. And all the while, brownshirts and swastikas marched the streets of Spain.

And now they want the lovely green and rugged land of Asturias. And the Asturian and Spanish people in general? With a decimated culture of modern knowledge and expertise, and with no compass sense of how to orient themselves to remedy that situation (thank you again, General Franco), the glorious Hanseatic Aryans of the north are free to simply prance in and basically take total highest-level control of the entire region, effectively making it theirs.

This video makes it perfectly clear what has happened to Asturias, and it is obviously far too late to stop it -- the only actual Spaniards in this video are a trifling singer and a songwriter, while almost everyone else in this video is a highly-educated Germanic captain of some advanced technological or banking industry. Which of these two sorts of occupations do you think really holds the most power in a nation? Clearly the usual pro-Germanic apartheid and polite cultural genocide are well underway, and the only thing for native Asturians to now do is to start measuring themselves for their funeral suits and pine boxes.

And all the while, Asturias ignores and shuns the true descendants of actual, exiled Asturians who try to make contact with their ancestral homeland in order to perhaps return there and bring whatever skills and education they have learned during generations of exile in America -- all in favor of completely different and foreign ethnic peoples who already own and control most of the rest of the earth anyways. Asturias could wring benefit from the gains made by its true native sons and daughters in all those dumb, lost years of exile, but it clearly prefers to offer itself up as fresh meat to the "gods" instead.

Auf wiedersehen, Asturias -- I would've liked to have known you.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:53 am
by Art
Yes, Franco was a disaster for Spain. The only point in your message that I want to write about is the openness of Asturians to those us of whose families left. Asturians are an remarkably friendly people. If you had returned, you might have experienced this yourself. Of course, you'd have to be open to experiencing that.


Sí, Franco fue un desastre para España. El único punto en tu mensaje sobre que quiero responder está relacionado con la simpatía de los asturianos a los que nos cuyas familias salieron. Los asturianos son un pueblo extraordinariamente amable. Si habías regresado, lo podrías haber experimentado también. Por supuesto, tienes que estar abierto a experimentarlo.