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Asturias en Virginia

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 9:09 am
by Fonzu
My name is Alfonso, I live in Maryland. Today is my first time in this foro.

It comes right on time to let you Know that last weekend it took place in Virginia the Potomac Celtic Festival, where Asturias has a representation each year. for the past 3 years Brenga Astur, a fantastic band came to the festival to perform and to represent Asturias in a variety of forms, (music, Big Stand with pictures, books etc... and workshops). Two Years ago, the festival was dedicated tu Asturias, and they doble the representation bringing also Llan de Cubel, who performed wonderfull as well.

This is a festival with an estimated of 22.000 people. and the hit of the fest. was Brenga Astur each year. Unfortunately this year they couldn't came.

There are many tents, each represent a Clan or a Society, and the festival awards the best tent of both groups, to our surprise ASTURIAS TENT, WAS THE WINNER!!!. Because this year Brenga was not here, I acepted the invitation to carry on with the Tent representing Asturias My self. I did not doubt a second, It was such an honor for me. My son who is 10 years old, with a new asturian dress (porruanu) carried the asturian Flag at the parade for the official opening ceremony, when he finish he said, "Dad, I feel very asturian boy right now".

To every one, but specially to those of you who lived in this side of the ocean, I will invite you to vissit the fest. web
and I will invite you to work together in order to have better representation each year. Perhaps creating a list os members for the Asturian Society? I will send to the for some pictures.

Thanks to every one who made this foro .


Topic closed, discussion redirected to same post in Music

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 3:15 pm
by Art
This is a wonderful post.

To be sure that we are all on the same page (literally) I am closing (locking) this thread, because it is the same as one at: ... highlight=

Please go there for Alfonso's correction and a number of followup posts.