Found first map of Asturias, 10,000 year old.

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Found first map of Asturias, 10,000 year old.

Post by Trasgu »

The first map of Asturias has been found in the cave of Tito Bustillo. It was in 1968 when Jesús Manuel Fernández Malvárez found a painting in the cave of Tito Bustillo, which shape what seemed to him to be a map of Asturias.

Now 40 years later, the university of Oviedo after a scientific study proves him right, and proves that 10,000 years ago, the first asturians, the inhabitants of the cave of Tito Bustillo painted in a wall the first map of Asturias.

No older map of any country has ever been found in the whole world. We can proudly say that our country has the oldest map in the world, and our "borders" were already set 10,000 years ago. ... tillo.html
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Post by Terechu »

Gracias, Trasgu, ya hablamos de este hallazgo hace un tiempo. Mira un poco más abajo en esta sección y lo verás. La pena es que no se volvió a saber nada más del tema.
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Post by Chris »

Para la gente que esté interesada este es el link del hilo
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