Asturies Celtic Society & Celtic Festivals in MD & V

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Asturies Celtic Society & Celtic Festivals in MD & V

Post by Art »

[Art: un mensaje de Alfonso]

Una vez mas como en años anteriores, Asturies Celtic Society estará presente en el Potomac Celtic Festival que se celebra en Leesburg Virginia el 9 de Junio.

Pero este año también estaremos en otros dos festivales parecidos en el estado de Maryland, uno es en Frederick el 9 de Mayo y el otro es el 28 de Abril en Southern Maryland. A continuación les pongo los enlaces de las paginas web de cada uno.

Esperamos que este año se anime alguien a visitar el stand (y a echar una mano).

Basicamente lo que se necesita es:
  1. En la Mañana temprano montar el Stand
  2. Durante el dia estar en él atendiendo al público (no vendemos nada) solo es charlar con los asistentes, y contestar a sus preguntas.
  3. En la tarde Recoger.

Si alguien se anima por favor comúnicarse conmigo a través de este mismo medio.

¡Os anticipo que en el Stand se pasa muy bien!

Saludos astures

trans. Art

Once again, as in previous years, Asturies Celtic Society will take part in the Potomac Celtic Festival which will take place in Leesburg Virginia on the 9th of June.

This year, however, we'll also be at two other similar festivals in Maryland, one in Frederick on May 9th and the other in Southern Maryland on April 28. Below I'll put the links for the websites of these festivals.

We're hoping that some of you will feel like visiting the stand (and lend a hand).

In essence, here's what we need:
  1. In the morning, fairly early, we need help setting up the stand.
  2. During the day we need help with talking with the public. We don't sell anything; it's simply a matter of chatting with festival attendants and answering their questions.
  3. And in the afternoon we could use a hand taking down the stand.
If anyone feels like taking part in any way, please let me know on the forum.

I can tell you in advance that we have a great time together working in the booth!

Saludos astures [Asturian greetings]
Last edited by Art on Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Art »

I'll second Alfonso: working in the booth is both interesting and fun. I've enjoyed the experience each time I've done it.

The festivals are also quite worthwhile. They usually have great music, interesting historical and cultural displays, and lot of opportunities for people-watching!

Join us for a good time!


Le secundo a Alfonso: ayudando en el stand es tanto interesante como divertido. He disfrutado la experiencia cada vez le hice.

Los festivales, también, son muy buenos. Normalmente tienen música buena, exposiciones históricas y culturales, y muchas oportunidades para observar la gente.

¡Unete con nosotros, y pasamos un (o tres) días estupendas!
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Celtic Festival of Southern Maryland, last Saturday in April

Post by Art »

This next Saturday, April 28 2007, is the Celtic Festival of Southern Maryland. It's held from 10 AM to 6 PM rain or shine at the Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum, which is near St Leonard in Calvert Co. Maryland.

Here's some info:

The tickets are $15 for adults, $7 for Children ages 6-12, and free for ages 5 and under.

Alfonso, Natalia, Paul (Is), Benjamin, and I will all be there. We'd love to see others, too! (Be sure to bring a hat and suntan lotion.)

There are also other festivals are in Frederick MD and Leesburg VA (Potomac Celtic Fest) later in the year.
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Post by Art »

Today, Saturday June 9 is the date of the Potomac Celtic Festival in Leesburg VA. We hope to see you there!


Hoy, el sabado 9 de junio es la fecha del Festival Celta Potomac en Leesburg VA. ¡Esperamos que nos encontramos allí!
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