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1941 Soccer Team Annmore, West Virginia

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 2:30 pm
by jbarbo

Do you or other forum members remember these asturiano soccer players
from Annmore, West Virginia?

Emil Barbao, first row, 5th seat

Manuel Pete Lorenzo, second row, 7th


Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:43 pm
by Ron Gonzalez
No I don't remember the soccer team but I think I know one ,or two of the players. In the first row third from the left is my fathers cousin Joe Fernandez, who passed away last week at 93 ,and I think the fifth form the left is your grandfather Emil Barbo. I'll need to take a longer look at at the other playerd Joe and Enil I know as soon as I looked at the photo.