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Las cenizas del cielo, estrenose fae una semana n'España

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:29 am
by Llames
"Las cenizas del cielo" ye una película fecha pol direutor asturianu José Antonio Quirós y rodada en Soto Ribera. Basada'n fechos reales, fala de la llucha d'un paisanu contra la contaminación de la central térmica del valle.

Ye la "primera película medioambiental" d'España y ganó ya dos premios. El premiu Grand Prix mediuambiental del Festival Internacional de Tokio y'l premiu especial del Xurau del Festival Internacional del Mediu Ambiente (Barcelona) y ta seleccionau pa otros festivales en Finlandia y Exiptu.

Equí ta la web

Estrenose el vienres 14 de payares con mui poques copies esí que nun se si vais ser quien a vela.

Dos coses más:

1. La banda sonora de Ramón Prada ye perprestosa. Canten per exemplu Anabel Santiago y hai un cancio escritu por Xuan Bello. (la que peslla la pellícula)

2. Na crítica d'un de los principales diarios d'España, El Mundo, ponenla perbien pero critiquen "Cierto simplismo en el uso de lo racial y lo autóctono, sobre todo en el lenguaje, que llega a situar el conjunto al borde de la caricatura"...ya podéis imaxinar que lo que falen ye asturianu o amestao, porque tan retratando la vida d'un paisanu de 70 años d'un pueblu asturianu polo que nun fala nun castellán perfeutu. Amás amás camientu que'l críticu nin se imaxina que puen tar falando n'otru idioma...esí nos va.

Asturian film: "Las cenizas del cielo"

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:49 am
by Llames
"Las cenizas del cielo"/"The ashes of the sky" is a film by the asturian director Jose Antonio Quiros and was shot in Sotu Ribera (Asturies). Based on real events, talks about the struggle of an old man against a thermal power station.

It's the "first environmental film" from Spain and won two awards. The Grand Prix prize of environmental in the Tokyo International Film Festival and the Special Jury Prize of the International Festival of the Environment (Barcelona) and was selected for other festivals in Finland and Egypt.

Link to the website

In Spain the premiere was on Friday, Nov. 14 but with very few copies. Maybe if the film wins more awards you can see it in other countries or in DVD.

Two more things:

1. The soundtrack is by Ramón Prada and is excellent. Among the singers we can hear the singer of "tonada" (an Asturian kind of traditional song) Anabel Santiago and there is a song written by the poet Xuan Bello (for me the best present asturian writer)

2. In the critique of one of the leading Spanish daily, El Mundo, consider it a good movie but critics "Some kind of simplicity in the use of what is local or indigenous, especially in language, that comes to putting the set on the brink of caricature "... the film portrays the life of a man of 70 years in an asturian village so he logically speaks Asturian or Asturian mixed with Castilian. I think that the critic unknown that in the movie they might be speaking another language ...

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:59 am
by Art
Thanks, Llames. What kind of power does a "thermal power station" use?


Gracias, Llames. ¿Cuál clase de poder usa una "central térmica"?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:20 am
by Llames
A thermal power station uses coal. Asturies had a lot of coal and most of its power plants were constructed to use this material. Now, the asturian coal is no longer profitable (nowadays it's imported from Poland and Belarus) so there are plans to use natural gas.

Incidentally, the film was withdrawn only a week after its premiere in the cinemas of the island where I live, so I couldn't go to watch it, but it had good reviews....hurry up!!!


Una central térmica utiliza carbón. Asturies tuvo mucho carbón y la mayoría de sus centrales eléctricas utilizan ese material. Ahora que ya no son rentables las minas (hoy en día lo importan de Polonia y Bielorrusia) hay planes para utilizar gas natural (centrales de ciclo combinado como la proyectada en El Musel en Xixón).

Por cierto, la película estuvo una semana en los cines de Mallorca, así que no pude ni ir a verla, pero tuvo buenas críticas....así que si queréis ir a verla, daros prisa.