African & Micronesian elements

Vocabulary & grammar of Asturian & Bable, comparisons with Castilian.<br>
Vocabulario y gramática de asturianu y bable, comparaciones con castellano

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African & Micronesian elements

Post by is »

My friends in La Puela (Pola de Allande) have recently made an interesting observation about the distant affinities of the Asturian language. Scientists have determined that Asturian shares certain linguistic traits with West African and Micronesian languages.

Exhibit A:

U ta tou pai? Tou pai ta’n Tebongu!
[Q. Where’s your father? A. Your father’s in Tebongu!]

Exhibit B:

U ta Pangua? Pangua ta pa Ponga! [Q. Where’s Pangua? A. Pangua ta pa Ponga!]

Said quickly and with apparent emphasis, the influence of West African and Micronesian tongues is apparent. Tebongu, by the way, is a village on the road to Cangas del Narcea before the turnoff for County Ayande. It’s not clear who settled Tebongu. That research is ongoing. Ponga is a county in East Asturias and Pangua is the last name of one of the members of the Asturian folk group Felpeyu.

I thought I would put this out there for peer review.
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