My doctoral thesis on Asturian/Tesis doutoral n'asturianu

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Lynn Arnold
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My doctoral thesis on Asturian/Tesis doutoral n'asturianu

Post by Lynn Arnold »

In 2002 I received my PhD from Adelaide University on the topic: "Perceptions of Language & Identity in Asturias and their implications for language policy & development". I had started the thesis in 1994-95 when I was a visiting scholar at the Universidad de Uvieu/Oviedo. My supervisors were Prof J J Smolicz and Dr M Secombe (both of Adelaide) assisted by Prof Jose Antonio Martinez (of Oviedo). I continue to be very interested in the socio-linguistic situation regarding Asturianu/Bable and have a personal library of over 200 books written in the language.
I would be interested to hear from anyone also interested in the same theme. I can forward a CD of my thesis to anyone who would wish to see it.
Lynn Arnold


En 2002 recibí la mio PhD de la Universidá d'Adelaide col asuntu "Percepciones de la llingua ya identidá n'Asturies ya les sos implicaciones pala política llingüística y desendolcu". Entamé la tesis en 1994-95 dacuandu tenía una visita escolar a la Universidá d'Uviéu. Los mios cabezaleros foron el profesor J J Smolicz ya Dr M Secombe (dambos d'Adelaide) aidáos pol Prof Jose Antonio Martinez (d'Uviéu). Entá sigo enforma interesáu na situación sociollingüística no concerniente al asturianu/bable ya teo una biblioteca personal d'alomenos 200 llibros escritos nesa llingua.
Taría perinteresáu n'oyir de cualisquiera enfotáu nel mesmu tema. Pueo apurrir un CD cola mio tesis a quien quiera vela.
Lynn Arnold
I completed my doctoral thesis - "Perceptions of Language and Identity in Asturias and their implications for language policy and development" - through the University of Adelaide in 2002.
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Interested/ Interesáu

Post by Anzu »

Bones, Lynn
Yo personalmente teo un fonderu interés nel tema llingüísticu de l'asturianu, puesto que vivo n'Asturies. Prestaríame asgaya saber lo que se camienta sola situación sociollingüística vista dende fuera.
Tamién teo tol enfotu de lleer la to tesis si me la pases y ver les conclusiones so la polítcia llingüística.


Hi, Lynn
I have a personal and deep interest about the linguistic theme of the Asturian because y live in Asturies. I'd like so much to know what people think about the sociolinguistical situation looked from outside.
Also I'd like to have a look to your thesis if you send it to me amd see the conclusions about the language policy.
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Post by Art »

Welcome, Lynn! You might want to post the abstract of your dissertation here. I think the members would be interested in that.


Bienvenido, Lynn! Tal vez te gustaría poner aquí el resumen de tu tesis. Creo que lo interesaría a los miembros.
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