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Looking for soccer team rosters.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:52 pm
by Manuell Alvarez
Hello Everyone,
My late father, Arsenio Albert Alvarez,claims to have played soccer for a New York team that possibly played games in South America or against South American teams.
In one particular game, he said that he played with a bloodly bandage around his head after an opposing player kicked him. Further, he said that their team had to be escorted out of the stadium by the police or military to keep the crowd from killing them after winning.
My oldest brother indicated that he had seen a photograph of our dad playing soccer with a head wound.
I have written to the U.S Soccer Federation to see if they could help me locate a team name and roster with dad's name or even a copy of the photograph.
I am interested in receiving any suggestions where I could write for information.
One of his three brothers, Jose, Ramon, or Angel may have played also.

Manuell Alvarez
June 30,2011