Perda de poblacion / Population loss

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Perda de poblacion / Population loss

Post by Anzu »

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N'asturianu / In Asturian: ... KqiFIeZSSo

Asturies perderá un 5% de población na década viniente

Según un estudiu de proyeición del INE, Asturies perderá un 5% de población durante los prósimos 10 años, unes 50.000 persones.

L'Institutu Nacional d'Estadística espublizó'l caberu estudiu de proyeición poblacional onde Asturies, una vegada más, nun cunta con bones noticies. Los datos apurríos pol INE asoleyen que nos prósimos diez años Asturies perderá, previsiblemente, una cifra averada al 5% de la población d'anguaño, lo qu'en cifres concretes supón alrodiu de 50.000 persones menos. Esti descensu poblacional sedría ún de los mayores na hestoria d'Asturies en cuantes a variaciones demográfiques/década.
Amás d'ello, la esperanza de vida sigue espoxigando, al tiempu que nun medren les cifres de mozos y moces nel nuesu país. Esti fechu supón un mayor avieyamientu na futura composición demográfica asturiana, en gran midida pola falta d'oportunidaes llaborales pa una mocedá que se ve forciada a la emigración, con tases de paru xuvenil averaes al 50% y miles de persones colando del país cada añu a la gueta d'un futuru.


Asturies will lose a 5% of population in the next decade

According to a projection study of the INE (National Centre of Statistics), Asturies will lose a 5% of population during the next 10 years, a 50.000 people.
The INE published a last study of population projection where Asturies, once again, has no good news. The data given by the INE shows that Asturies will lose a number near 5% of the current population, what in numbers means 50.000 less people. This populationd ecrease would be one of the biggest in the history of Asturies according to demographic variations per decade.
Moreover, the life expectancy keeps growing, while there is no increase in the number of children in our counrty. This fact means a bigger aging in the future Asturian demographic composition, mainly due to the lack of job opportunities for the young people who is forced to the emigration, with an unemployement rate near 50 % in the young people and thousands of people leaving the country seeking for a future.
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Post by Art »

This doesn't bode well for the economic future of Asturias.


Para Asturias, estos pronósticos presagian un futuro económico muy débil.
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Perda de poblacion / Population loss

Post by Anzu »

Economia probe, poblacion avieyao y unos indices de paru que xorrecen pelligrosamente.


Poor economy, aged population and unemployement rates growing dangerously.
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