Sofitu pa con un trabayu lliterariu
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:26 pm
Bones, llámome Fonsu, soi un escritor mozu de Xixón y toi preparando una novela negra (la primera que faigo) ambientada nos años 20 n'Ybor City (Florida), na que se cunten les hestories (ficticies) d'un grupu de gangsters d'orixe asturianu-americanu.
Dos de los mozos son trabayadores nuna fábrica de puros, otru lleva un camión y otru ye fotingueru (mecánicu de vehículos). Vi dalgún documental sobre'l submundu d'esa zona, lleí sobre'l béisbol n'esa dómina ellí (soi un gran aficionáu al béisbol equí n'Asturies y quiero introducir esi elementu) y de la vida social n'esa zona, pero nun alcontré nada respeuto al preciu de les coses nin a los sueldos y prestábame da-y a too una migaya de realismu. ¿Sabríeis onde podía alcontrar o pidir tales datos? Y si tamién sabéis, ¿teneis dalguna hestoria que tenga que ver colos asturianos ellí?
Gracies adelantaes.
Fonsu Suárez.
Hello, my name is Fonsu and I am a young writer from Xixón. I am preparing my first hard-boiled/gangster novel set in the 20's in Ybor City (Florida), where I tell the (fictional) story of a group of gangsters of Asturian-American descendency.
Two of the young gangsters are workers on a cigar factory, other is a truck driver (he transports the cigars to the local shops) and the other one is an auto mechanic. I've seen some documentaries on the underground of that area, I've read about baseball in that time there (I am a huge fan of this sport here in Asturies and I want to introduce this element onto the story) and about social life in that city, but I couldn't find nothing about the wages or the cost of living there. I'd like to introduce that elements to make it more real. Would you please give me some resources on that or telling me where could I ask for them? And also if you can, do you know where can I find stories that speak on the life of the Asturians living there?
Sorry if my English is not correct.
Thanks in advance.
Fonsu Suarez.
Dos de los mozos son trabayadores nuna fábrica de puros, otru lleva un camión y otru ye fotingueru (mecánicu de vehículos). Vi dalgún documental sobre'l submundu d'esa zona, lleí sobre'l béisbol n'esa dómina ellí (soi un gran aficionáu al béisbol equí n'Asturies y quiero introducir esi elementu) y de la vida social n'esa zona, pero nun alcontré nada respeuto al preciu de les coses nin a los sueldos y prestábame da-y a too una migaya de realismu. ¿Sabríeis onde podía alcontrar o pidir tales datos? Y si tamién sabéis, ¿teneis dalguna hestoria que tenga que ver colos asturianos ellí?
Gracies adelantaes.
Fonsu Suárez.
Hello, my name is Fonsu and I am a young writer from Xixón. I am preparing my first hard-boiled/gangster novel set in the 20's in Ybor City (Florida), where I tell the (fictional) story of a group of gangsters of Asturian-American descendency.
Two of the young gangsters are workers on a cigar factory, other is a truck driver (he transports the cigars to the local shops) and the other one is an auto mechanic. I've seen some documentaries on the underground of that area, I've read about baseball in that time there (I am a huge fan of this sport here in Asturies and I want to introduce this element onto the story) and about social life in that city, but I couldn't find nothing about the wages or the cost of living there. I'd like to introduce that elements to make it more real. Would you please give me some resources on that or telling me where could I ask for them? And also if you can, do you know where can I find stories that speak on the life of the Asturians living there?
Sorry if my English is not correct.
Thanks in advance.
Fonsu Suarez.