Spanish Civil War Refugees in the U.S.

Retelling the stories of the Asturian-American migration.<br>
Recontando las historias de la emigración astur-americana.

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Post by Corsino »

Terechu, Pacomorales...

Yes, I read pacomorales ' message. I'll forward it to others in our group because there are several statements that do not entirely match the voyage of either the Nyassa or the Serpa Pinto. Maybe we can arrive at his true version.

First, both of our groups sailed from Marseille, although about a month apart in the summer of 1942. We are sure that the first group sailed on the Marechal L., but we are not sure about our second group. But regardless, we have the dates that both groups left Marseille.

The first group stopped briefly in Oran, Algeria, but did not disembark, and went on to Casablanca on the Marechal L., They stayed in Casablanca for several weeks and then boarded the Serpa Pinto which landed in New York.

The second group, disembarked in Oran and then went by train to Casablanca. It only stayed in Casablanca one day, maybe two at the most, and then boarded the Nyassa which landed in Baltimore.

So, so far, pacomorales account seems to be a combination of both trips. The most confusing part though, is the part about Veracruz. I'm not aware of any stop there, unless it was after our group disembarked in Baltimore.

It is possible that pacomorales is describing an entirely differnt trip than ours, maybe one that occurred before ours.

Anyway, I'll look up the dates that the ships left Marseille, and e-mail them to him, or include them on a separate post.
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You are right!

Post by pacomorales »

Hello all!

I just found Blanca Bravo's testimony, another person's that travelled at the same trip of my mother: ... 000002.htm

The Maréchal Lyautey departed Marseille on Sept. 8th, 1942 (text in catalan found at ... &Itemid=61):

"El 8 de setembre de 1942 va embarcar-se des del port de Marsella, juntament amb vuit mil altres passatgers (hi havia jutges, advocats, magistrats, militars, aviadors, mestres, funcionaris de la Generalitat, escriptors, periodistes, metges, etc., entre els quals hi eren l’escriptor ebrenc Artur Bladé i Desumvila, l’escultor Mateu de Soto, i en Josep Gironès, boxador i campió d’Europa del seu pes) al vaixell “Maréchal Lyautey” amb destinació la ciutat marroquina de Casablanca, on havien d’agafar una altra embarcació, “Nyassa”, que els havia de portar a la ciutat de Veracruz, a Mèxic. Aquesta era una nova expedició11 , la qual també va novel·lar a les primeres pàgines del seu primer relat escrit al país asteca, organitzada per la JARE (Junta de Auxilio a los Exiliados Españoles, que dirigia des de Suïssa el President d’Acció Catalana Republicana Lluís Nicolau d’Olwer) que paral·lelament amb el SERE (Servicio de Evacuación de les Refugiados Españoles) varen encarregar-se de portar un gran nombre d’exiliats cap al país asteca, en el qual governava un règim totalment afí a la causa republicana que presidia el General Lorenzo Càrdenas, que mai no va reconèixer la legitimitat del règim usurpador franquista."

The part of the German submarine intercepting the Nyassa in the midst of the Atlantic Ocean, narrated by Blanca Bravo, is exactly what my mother has described as the most frightening experience of that trip. Many details described in that text have been told to me by my mother. I guess you traveled at some other time in the same ship.

Anyway, it would be very interesting to read about your similar stories!!

Best regards,

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Post by Corsino »

Paco Morales

Thanks for clearing up the confusion. I'm writing in English because , from your writings, it appears that you are fluent in it.
I read Blanco's interesting story. I'll have to see if there are any more stories on that same website.
As you may already know, our small group has been compiling our individual stories. Although the first version has already been distributed, we are working on a " bigger and better" second version which is nearing completion. If you are interested, I'll add your e-mail address to my "address book" so that you'll be aware of our activities.
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Post by Corsino »

Well, it has been quite a while since there's been news about our search for Spanish Civil War refugees in the U.S. But the search has been going on nevertheless.
The good news is that just today, thanks to information provided by Saul Fernandez of La Nueva Espana, we located three more Asturians. Albina, Armonia and Manuel Perez Cuervo are from Oviedo. Albina lives in the state of Ohio, and Armonia in the state of Indiana. Unfortunately, Manuel passed away several years ago.
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Post by Corsino »

Although the results from the search for the refugee group has slowed down, some progress is being made.
We have been searching for the three Diaz brothers, Benjamin, Argimiro and Luis, from Sama de Langreo. The good news is that we have located them. Unfortunately, Benjamin and Argimiro are deceased. Luis lives in the state of Indiana, USA.
That still leaves 10, of the original 40, unaccounted for. The only Asturians are Manuel and Benigno Fernandez from Oviedo.
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Post by Terechu »

Congratulations to you all, Corsino. I know you must be thrilled about having found one of the Diaz brothers after your long search. I'm sure Luis is just as thrilled as you all.
Then there's the sad part.... the sad news of Argimiro's and Benjamin's death. I read Felipe Llerandi's post reminiscing about little Argimiro's antics on the boat and what a blow it must have been for him to learn of their death.
Now on to find Manuel and Benigno Fernández.
Felicidades a todos, Corsino. Sé lo emocionados que debéis de estar todos al haber localizado a los hermanos Díaz despues de la larga búsqueda. Estoy segura que Luis está tan encantado como vosotros.
Luego viene la parte noticia de la muerte de Argimiro y Benjamín. Leí el post de Felipe Llerandi recordando las travesuras del pequeño Argimiro durante la travesía en barco y sé que para él la noticia de su muerte ha debido de ser un golpe duro.
Ahora toca seguir buscando a Manuel y Benigno Fernández.
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Post by emuniz »

Me gustaría mucho tener el CD "We Came Alone". ¿Me pueden dar alguna información sobre cómo conseguirlo?.

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Post by Corsino »

It can be arranged.....once details of where to mail the CD are known.
However, I should note that most of the stories are written in English.

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Post by Bob »

Hola Corsino,

The continuing search may feel difficult from time to time, but every newly rediscovered niño de la guerra, living or dead, is a another victory, another step toward closing the once-broken circle. As the victories become less frequent over time, they become all the more meaningful and precious. I am deeply impressed by the bulldog-like tenacity of your group, and I am both grateful and proud to be counted among the amigos de los niños de la guerra.

Un fuerte abrazo,

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Post by stamargo »

I found this thread today and read through the whole thing like it was a good book I just couldn't put down. Amazing work on this project, Corsino and everyone else!

I think it's inspired me to try to find my own relatives back in Asturias. My great-grandparents came to Florida (Ybor City in Tampa, to be specific) around 1900 from Oviedo and Bilbao. They lost contact with their families back in Spain during the Guerra Civil. Some of them were active fighting against the fascists, and family legend tells that a whole houseful of Tamargo's were shot in their beds when Franco's soldiers stormed their house in the middle of the night.

Anyway, I'll not mix up my story with yours. Any further news on a reunion???


Encontré este hilo de rosca hoy y leí con la cosa entera como era un buen libro que apenas no podría colocar. ¡Trabajo asombroso sobre este proyecto, Corsino y cada uno !

Pienso que me está inspirado a intentar encontrar a mis propios parientes traseros en la Asturias. Mi vis-abuelos vino a la Florida (Ybor City en Tampa, ser específico) alrededor 1900 de Oviedo y de Bilbao.
Perdieron el contacto con sus familias detrás en España durante el Guerra Civil. Algunos de ellos eran el luchar activo contra los fascistas, y y la leyenda de la familia dice que una familia entera de Tamargo fuera tirada en sus camas cuando los soldados de Franco invadieron su casa en el centro de la noche.

No me mezclaré encima de mi historia con el tuyo. ¿Cualquier noticias más otras en una reunión?
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Post by Corsino »

The CD is in the mail. You should get it in about 7 to 10 days.

Thanks for your comments. No, I don't anticipate a reunion. We are just too scattered . I hope you have success in finding your Spanish relatives.
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Post by Roberto Pando »

Well this is almost a copy-paste of my presenation post, but maybe it would be interest to repeat it here

I am member of the Investigation Team of ADAR, Asociación de Aviadores de la República (Former Airmen of Spanish Republican Air Forces).
Our association is formed by Veterans of the Spanish Republican Air Force, their families, friends and Historical investigators. One of our labours is to help and give assortment to all the republican air force, veterans of any republican army, to be legally considerated Spanish Air Forces Veterans pensioners, meet again families or found information about Spanish Civil War.
We are making too, the biggest private archive of Spanish Civil Air War with documents, photos and interviews of our Associates and collaborators.

Here you have us, for anything we can help

Our web
Bueno, esto es casi una copia literal de mi post de presentación, pero creo que será interesante repetirlo aquí.

Soy miembro del equipo de Investigadores de la Asociación de Aviadores de la República (ADAR)
Nuestra asociación esta formada por veteranos de las Fuerzas Aereas de laa República Española, familiares, amigos e investigadores-historiadores. Una de nuestras labores es ayudar y asesorar a los veteranos de la FARE o de cualquier ejercito republicano (y a sus familiares) para que obtengan el reconocimiento legal como pensionistas de la Fuerza Aerea Española, fomentar el reencuentro de familiares y compañeros (separados por el exilio o la emigración) y encontrar información sobre la guerra civil española.
Actualmente estamos recopilando el que queremos sea el mayor archivo privado de la Guerra Civil en el aire.

Estamos enteramente a vuestra disposición.

La web
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Post by Corsino »

Roberto Pando
Thank you for posting your intertesting article. Although all members of our refugee group were too young to be in the Spanish Air Force, maybe some may have had relatives that were, therefore I'm forwarding your post to them.
In case your group is interested, we would be glad to contribute a CD of the personal experiences of members of our group. Unfortunately at this time most of stories are written in English.
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Post by Roberto Pando »

Hi Corsino
The official recognition as retired member of Spanish Air Forceis also interest for widows and sons of veterans, also in case of decease of them. Not only they can have access to a veterna pension (I suppose in USA is the same), also they have access to public sanitary spanish system, totally free and with a very high medical level.

Hola Corsino
El reconocimiento oficial como veterano de las Fuerzas Aereas Españolas es interesante también para viudas e hijos de veteranos, incluso en caso de haber fallecido éstos. No sólo se accede a pensión de veterano (supongo que en EEUU es igual) sino que también se tiene acceso al sistema sanitario público español, totalmente gratuito y con un nivel médico muy alto.
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Post by Corsino »

It's been some time since my last post on the Forum, so I thought it's time for an update.
For a few years now, our group here in the U.S. have been busy writing our stories for a book. Since most of us are no longer very fluent in Spanish, several members of the Forum helped us with the translations into Spanish.
Just recently, the book was printed by the Spanish publisher "espanoles en el mundo" located in Madrid. The title of the book is "We Came Alone -Solos en America."
The publisher was kind enough to give each writer of his story copies of the book. I'm not sure if the publisher is selling the book or giving away free copies. Anyone interested for more information can e-mail Fundacion Ramon Rubial:

[Art: email swapped for website]
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