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Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:47 am
by Art
Ah, Iván, we're waiting for your recipe for pixín alangostáu!


¡Ah, Iván, esperamos tu receta para pixín alangostáu!

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:47 am
by Maestro Tomberi
Sure thing!!

Pixín alangostáu

1kg. Pixín (rape)
1/2 onion
1 bayleaf
Sweet paprika
Olive oil

For this recipee, the tails are the pieces you're gonna need. The first step will be to take away the central fishbone, tie up the loins and rubbing them with olive oil and the sweet paprika.

After this, wrap it up with cuisine paper, ant put it into a casserole with garlic, a leaf of bay, the onion... even a carrot if you want to (it admits variations) and let it simmer at slow fire for 20 mins.

After this, let it cold up, unwrap it, cut it in slices, rectify with salt and saffron (optional) and serve, preferently with mayo.


Para esta receta, las colas serán las piezas necesarias.l El primer paso será quitar la espina central, atar los lomos y frotarlos con aceite de oliva y pimentón dulce.

Envolverlos después con papel de cocina, ponerlos en una cacerola con el ajo, la hoja de laurel, la cebolla... o incluso una zanahoria (admite variantes) y dejarlos cocer a fuego lento unos 20 minutos.

Después de hecho, dejarlo enfriar, cortarlo en rodajas y rectificar de sal y azafrán (éste último opcional) y servir, preferentemente con mahonesa.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:13 pm
by Art
Wow, that's incredibly easy! Thanks for the recipe.

Is it called "Pixín alangostáu" because it's cooked like langosta would be cooked?


Vaya, eso es muy fácil! Gracias por la receta.

¿Se llama "Pixín alangostáu" porque es cocida como se cocinaría una langosta?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:09 am
by Maestro Tomberi
Nope. It's because the pixín acquires a look very closed to the lobster's one. This has this logic however:

During the Middle Age, monkfish was always discarded because it ugly look, altough chefs of therefore knew of it wonderful taste. Thus, when they for one of another reason run out of lobster, used the monkfish meat and they made it pass as lobster :).