Asturian-Americans in Xixón (50's)

Retelling the stories of the Asturian-American migration.<br>
Recontando las historias de la emigración astur-americana.

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Location: Xixón, Asturies

Asturian-Americans in Xixón (50's)

Post by xiblaniella »

Bones nueches/ Good night:

I'm an asturian who as far as i know don't have any Asturian-americans in my family. However i'l try to share which you some things that I consider interesting.

My father has told me quite a few times that in the 50's a friend of his had a cousin (about 10 years old) who came from Tampa was here in Asturies on holidays. He remembers his friend telling him that his cousin couldn't stop tears when he heard an asturian song (my father can't remember which song it was).

I'l keep posting from time to time telling you some things that might be interesting, especially about the Asturian community in Tampa (don't you have any contacts with them?). The story of the Centro Asturiano in Tampa is really impressive but Asturian-Americans in West Virginia is an amazing discovery for most asturians.

I was really impressed when i saw your website. It's an honour for all asturians and for all our common ancestors.


David Guardado
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Post by Art »

Hello, David, and welcome!

Given your name (David), and your wonderful ability in English, I'm guessing that you might be the friend of José Enrique. He told me earlier today that his friend David is "un gran experto en lengua asturiana." Either way, we're glad you're here!

You ask a good question about the Tampa Asturians. My limited understanding is that the Tampa Asturianas came in a different time period and probably with different kinds of work. I may be wrong, but there does not appear to be a lot of communication between these two groups of immigrants.

The same thing happened in Southern West Virginia with Spanish coal miners. The zinc-oriented Asturians didn't seem to have much contact with the coal-oriented Spaniards, even though many of them were also Asturians. I hope Bob and Suronda will correct me if I'm wrong about any of this.

For more on the many Spaniards (a few Asturians) working in the mines of WV in 1921, see:
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