
Group &amp; solo; voice, bagpipe, guitar, drum, etc.<br>
Banda y solo; voz, gaita, guitarra, tambor, etc.

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Post by evacollado »

Does anyone have any Felpeyu mp3's they can post up??? I cant seem to find anything, im volunteering in Indonesia and wont be back in Australia for another year, even then when i was home for a short visit i couldnt find anything at all :-( Might just have to go back to Villahormes for the summer..

Eva Collado Molleda
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Post by Bob »

I don't usually buy the slippery slope argument, but I think it is a bad idea to post MP3s of the music without an explicit OK from Felpeyu, even if their general policy is to allow it. Otherwise our members may start posting MP3s from other sources. If nothing else, it would be a needless waste of our time to have to delete the others. If an MP3 is in the public domain or if we have explicit perission from the authors/owners, we can post them.

The ideal solution would be to have the group post its own MP3s and concert schedule. We wouldn't regard that as commercialing the website, and it would give the group some added exposure
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Post by Art »

I've contacted Diego Pangua of Felpeyu to see if he'd like to comment. I hope this doesn't embarrass Diego, but besides being a phenomenal musician, he's a charming, generous person.


He escrito a Diego Pangua de Felpeyu para invitarle comentar. Espero que no lo hago pasar vergüenza a Diego, pero además de ser un músico fenomenal, es un encantador y muy generoso.
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Post by Bob »

Felpeyu's CDs can be purchased from http:///www.Asturshop.com
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Post by DiegoPangua »

I'm neither generous nor charming, Art!
Of course we'd love Felpeyu's music to be posted and downloaded by anyone interested in it, even more so if it's done through this useful and lovely forum. You can also use eMule (search 'Canteros'), uTorrent ... whatever. Also, you may download some tracks from our myspace by using the website 'file to hard disk'(file2hd.com).

Thanks for your interest, and see you in Villah.ormes perhaps, Eva!

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Post by Art »

¡Gracies, Diego! Eres modesto, lo que está perfectamente bien. (Diego, dime cuando aparece un nuevo disco, y cambiaré los archivos.)

He puesto un descarga de Cantaros, el último álbum de Felpeyu, aquí:
http://www.asturianus.org/forum/viewtop ... 4699#14699

Eva, no son MP3. Son del formato .wma. Dime si este te causa problemas.

Hay una nueva política sobre descargas de música aquí:
http://www.asturianus.org/forum/viewtop ... 4698#14698
Gracies a Bob por ayudar en formularla.

Otros músicos pueden ponerse en contacto conmigo por correo electrónico utilizando el eslabón de abajo para pedir que publiquemos su música, también.


Thanks, Diego! You're modest, which is just fine. (Diego, let me know when a new album appears and I'll change the files.)

I've posted a download of Cantaros, the latest album by Felpeyu, here:
http://www.asturianus.org/forum/viewtop ... 4699#14699

Eva, these aren't MP3s. They're in the .wma format. Let me know if these give you problems.

There is a new policy on music downloads here:
http://www.asturianus.org/forum/viewtop ... 4698#14698
Thanks to Bob for helping formulate that.

Other musicians should contact me using the email link below to ask us to post their music, too.
Last edited by Art on Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Betty »

I achieved the download, but upon my attempt to extract, I received a message from the "extraction wizard:" "File Skipped Unknown Compression Method." Does anyone have a suggestion? I am not very technically proficient so I appreciate advice. Thanks!
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Post by Art »

Well, that's interesting. I zipped it with StuffIt. StuffIt can open it, but it appears that Windows can't unzip it. Let me work on that and get back to you. Sorry about that!

Thanks for letting me know, Betty!


Puf, qué interesante. Hice la compresión "zip" con StuffIt. StuffIt puede abrirlo, pero parece que Windows no puede descomprimirlo. Permítame investigarlo y seré en contacto contigo. ¡Lo siento!

¡Gracias por decirme, Betty!
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Post by Art »

If you've already downloaded the file, you can use this free program (StuffIt Expander) to open the zipped files:
That'll save you time and save us bandwidth.
The program on that page is a version for Windows, but there is a link on that same page for a MAC version, too.

I've uploaded a new version that should be easier to unzip. I didn't realized that XP offers a built-in file compression tool.

Let me know if you have any trouble.


Si ya has descargado el archivo, puedes utilizar este programa gratuito (StuffIt Expander) para abrir los archivos comprimidos:
Esto te ahorrará tiempo y nos ahorrará ancho de banda.
El programa en esa página es una versión para Windows, pero hay un enlace en la misma página para una versión para MAC, también.

He subido una nueva versión que será más fácil para descomprimir. No me di cuenta de que XP ofrece una herramienta de compresión de archivos.

Dime si tienes cualquier problema.
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Post by Betty »

Thank you, Art! I deleted the file, but downloaded it again (please forgive me 2 downloads!). This time Windows performed all operations and I am right now enjoying listening to Felpeyu! A very nice Christmas Gift! Muchas Gracias!
Also, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and ... Soon Three Kings Day to all!
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Post by is »

Art wrote:I hope this doesn't embarrass Diego, but besides being a phenomenal musician, he's a charming, generous person.
Espero que no lo hago pasar vergüenza a Diego, pero además de ser un músico fenomenal, es un encantador y muy generoso.
I can certainly vouch for that, Art. Although I was terribly hungover last time I saw Diego in County Ayande, he is invariably charming.

I won't easily forget the concert Felpeyu gave in Samartin d'Ozcos in the fall of 2007--truly transporting music. Greetings from Ukraine!


Ia verda lo que dices, Art. Vaya resacona que tuviera la ultima vegada que viera a Diego n'Ayande. Pero la verda ia que presta pasar tiempo con el.

Tampouco nun vou escaecer esi conciertu que diera Felpeyu en Samartin d'Ozcos na seronda de 2007--musica que fai de tresporte maritimu pa la tiesta (guapa dafeitu). Saludinos dende Ucrania!
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