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Bones!/ Hello

Post by Anzu »

Hi, my name is Anzu and I'm an asturian native speeker. I've casually found your webpage and messing around I found lots of interesting things. I'm eighteen years old and I've been studying asturian language since I was born so I'd like to offer myself to work as a translator (I've see some mistakes in the webpage). Also I'd be proud to help the moderator or other translators because I've got relatives in USA. Bye!

Bones, nómome Anzu y soi un asturfalante. Desmenu atopé la vuesa páxina web y caleyando per ende atopé bayura de coses prestoses. Teo dieciochu años ya llevo estudiando la llingua asturiano dende que ñací, de mou que prestaríame enforma ofreceme pa trabayar comu tornaor (ví dalgunos fallucos na páxina). Tamién taría argullosu d'aidar al moderaor o otros tornaores por mor de que teo parientes nos Estaos Xuníos. Alón!"
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Post by is »

Bonas Anzu, que t'afayes no foru! Presta ter xente que fale asturianu ya ingles al mesmo tempo. D'au yes ya au vives? Au ties familia n'America?

Dexuro que hai muitas cousas que non tan cumo debieran na gueb d'Asturianus. Si te metes no pallabreru asturianu, lo que-y falta seique ia'l lesicu del asturianu central ya oriental. Echa un ueyu ya vete metiendo cousiquinas.



hi Anzu, welcome to the forum! It's a pleasure to have people like you who speak both Asturian and English. Where are you from and where do you live? Where do your relatives live in the US?

I'm sure there are many mistakes in the website. If you check out the 'Asturian Word of the Day' page what we are missing is someone who speaks Central or East Asturian to introduce variants. Take a look and start making suggestions.

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Post by Anzu »

Munches gracies pola bienvinía.
Vivo en Xixón, ciudá del centru-norte d'Asturies ya teo familia en Miami, Chicago, Nuea Yor ya tamién p'Arxentina, Cuba ya otros llugares de Sudamérica.
La bayura de parientes que teo débese al esiliu que sofrió la mio xente dacuandu la revolución del 1934, qu'obligó a escapar de la represión española.
Fáiseme enforma gracioso el pallabreru que s'emplega equí porque veo portugués, castellanu ya migayos de dialeutos Occidental ya Oriental. Nun toi ciertu de cómo pueo (humildemente) aidar a facer les correciones.
Enantes de too, albidro que'l principal problema ye l'usu d'español tornáu en vede l'asturianu propiamente dichu. Tamién atopé abondos fallos nel tornaor en llinia suxeríu, pero camiento qu'eso ye avezáo en tornaores d'interné.
Como "aval" del mio nivel llingüísticu, dicir que anque vivo na fastera central, domino los dialeutos Oriental ya Ocidental asina como l'asturianu normativu.

Thank you very much for the welcome.
I live in Xixón, city of the center-North part of Asturies and I've got relatives in Miami, Chicago, N.Y. and also Argentina, Cuba and other places in South America.
The big amont of relatives I've got is because of the massive exile that my people suffered on 1934, that made people scape from the Spanish repression.
It's quite funny for me the vocabulary used here because I can see some Portuguese, Spanish and some dialectal forms from the Eastern and Western Asturian. I'm not sure how to help (humbly) about the correctons.
Firstly, I think that the main problem is the use of "translated Spanish" instead the propper Asturian. I also foud mistakes on the suggested online translator, but tha'ts quite common.
As an "evidence" of my language-level, indeed I live in the central side, I can speak the Western and Eastern dialects and the "Normative Asturian" as well.
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Post by Ayandés »

Hola Anzu, yo hai tiempu que penséi en corrixir lo qu'yía'l "cuerpu" del foru, que tien muitísimos errores. Hai castel.lanismos, hiperasturianismos, errores gramaticales, errores ortográficos,... Pero nun yía un error d'esti foru concretu, ansí que nun hai manera de fadelo dende eiquí. Habería que contactar cola empresa ou sabe Dieus quéi, pero tampouco dan facilidades los condenaos.
Si fora por xente p'arreglalo yá taba feito hai una partida d'años, pero non, yía cousa del sistema, qu'you nun sei cúmo vei.
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Post by Anzu »

Acuéi. Yo camentaba que sedría l'alministraor de la páxina'l que tuviera mena de modificala. En cualquier casu, prestame p'aidar na torna de cualesquier testu o dalguna pallabra que vos tea dando guerra. Daré un voltiu pel llugar a ver lo qu'atopo.

Okay. I thought that it was the web-page administrator who had the way to modify it. Anyway, I'd help by translating any text or any difficult word . I'll have a walk through the page, let's see what I find.
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Post by Ayandés »

You pola mía parte, entodavía puedo defendeme col idioma :lol:
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