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Asturian History/ Hestoria Asturiana

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:45 am
by Anzu
Hi everybody,
I'd like to make a suggestion about a book that speaks about the Asturian History specially during the 1900's, including the Huge Strike of 1917, the Asturian Revolution and Independence in 1934 and the second one in 1937. It has lots of data, as well as testimonies from historians, from the people who lived those hard years and military reports, publications...
The book is in Asturian and it's called "¿Quién escaeció a Belarmino Tomás? Independencia y Socialismu n'Asturies" (Who forgot Belarmino Tomás? Independence and Socialism in Asturies). And it's published by Andecha Llibros.
Enjoy it!


Bones a tol mundiu,
Prestaríame facer una suxerencia sobro un llibru que fala de la Hestoria d'Asturies especialmente demientres los 90, englobando la Gran Fuelga'l 1917, la Revolución ya Independencia asturiana de 1934 ya la segunda nel 1937. Tien bayura datos, amás de testimonios d'hestoriaores, de la xente que vivió esos llaceriosos años ya informes militares, espublizaciones...
El llibru ta n'asturianu y nómase ¿Quién escaeció a Belarmino Tomás? Independencia y Socialismu n'Asturies. Ta asoleyáu por Andecha Llibros. Esfrutáilu!