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El TS refugó un recursu d'Asturgold sobre la mina d'oru de Salave
El Tribunal Supremu desestimó un recursu d'Asturgold contra la torga del gobiernu asturianu pa la esplotación del yacimientu d'oru de Salave.
El Tribunal Supremu asoleyó una sentencia na que desestima'l recursu presentáu pola sociedá "Explotaciones mineras del Cantábrico", anguaño propiedá d'Asturgold, alrodiu del yacimientu mineru de Salave, nel conceyu de Tapia. El recursu foi fechu pola empresa tres alcordar el Conseyu de Gobiernu d'Asturies el so refugu a dar autorización a la compañía pa la esplotación del oru asitiáu baxo los llagos de Salave.
Amás, el Tribunal Supremu refugó que'l gobiernu asturianu tenga qu'indemnizar a la empresa por nun poder esplotar el yacimientu, dao que nun cuntaba colos permisos afayaízos. Esta decisión afita la sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Xusticia d'Asturies, na que tamién se-y daba la razón al gobiernu asturianu, desplicando que nesti casu tien que primar l'interés mediuambiental al económicu.
Poro, Asturgold cunta con un pilancu más pa desendolcar l'espoliu d'esti recursu natural asturianu, qu'amestaría amás un importante esfarrape mediuambiental y escasa creación de puestos de trabayu. La esplotación cunta col refugu de la principal fuerza representativa del conceyu de Tapia, amás de vecinos/es, asociaciones, organizaciones ecoloxistes, etc. axuntaes baxo la plataforma Oru Non.
The SC refused the competitive tendering of Asturgold about the gold mine of Salave
The Supreme Court dismissed an appeal of Asturgold against the prohibition by the Asturian Government for the exploitation of a gold deposit in Salave.
The Supreme Court published a judgement in which dismisses the appeal presented by the society "Mine exploitation of the Cantabric", nowadays property of Asturgold, about the mining exploitation of Salave, in the council of Tapia. The appela was made by the company after having decided the Council of the Asturian Government the refuse to give the company athorization for the exploitation of the gold deposits of the Salave lakes.
Moreover, the Supreme Court refused the possibility that the Asturian governmet must indemnify the company for not being able to exploit the deposit, since it did not have the required permits. This decision highlights the one by the Asturies Justice Supreme Court, which also gave the reason to the Asturian government, explaining that in this case we must prioritize the environmental interest instead of the economic.
Thus, Asturgold has a handicap more to develop the spoliation of this Asturian natural resource, which also would mean a great environmental damage and poor creation of employment. The exploitation has the rejection of the main representative force of the Tapia council, apart of the neighbor associations, ecologist associations, etc grouped in the platform No Gold.
Mina d'oru / Gold mine / Mina de oro
> Formal: construction, farming, manufacturing, mining, small businesses, smelting, etc. > Informal: blackberry picking, boarding houses, bootlegging, clothes washing, sausage making.<br>
> Formal: construcción, agricultura, fabricación, minería, pequeñas empresas, fundición, etc. > Informal: cosecha de moras, pensiones, contrabandista, colada, embutimiento.
> Formal: construcción, agricultura, fabricación, minería, pequeñas empresas, fundición, etc. > Informal: cosecha de moras, pensiones, contrabandista, colada, embutimiento.
Moderators: Maria Garcia Alvarez, JuanLeon, Moderators
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