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Asturianos (Madrid restaurant)

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:50 pm
by is
The New York Times featured 'Asturianos', a mom-and-pop kind of restaurant in Madrid that serves Asturian fare, in the Travel section on Sunday. Never been, but for those visiting Madrid, it might be worth an escapade (ain't cheap at $126 for two, so you may want to wait to splurge in AST itself): ... wanted=all

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 10:17 pm
by Art
Wow, that *is* an amazing price tag.

There are a lot of great cooks in Asturias. Does this mean that more Asturian families should leave for other regions and open restaurants?


Vaya, tan caro.

Hay muchos cociner@s buen@s en Asturias. ¿Significa que más familias asturianas deberían salir del Principado y abrir restaurantes en otras regiones?

A more inexpensive fabada

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 10:51 pm
by Bob
That is a pretty steep price tag. I think it's better to make your own. See

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:07 pm
by Maestro Tomberi
¡¡Enhorabuena, IS!! Has realizado todo un descubrimiento. Es inmenso el alborozo con el que he leído este artículo y al comprobar que este restaurante se trata de un local acogedor y muy cuidado sin pretensiones ñoñi-popis; de la vieja usanza, en donde los menús de degustación para canarios son inexistentes.

Ahora sí, 100 € para dos por una buena cena para dos con vino incluído; tratándose de la fosa séptica que es Madrid (carísima fosa séptica, por cierto), me parece un precio medio razonable, a expensas de que vas a saber que vas a comer como un marqués. No es barato, pero tampoco demasiado caro. Creo que nos entendemos.


Congratulations, Is!! You made quite a discovery. It's an immense mirth the one with which I have readed this arcticle and when I saw this restaurant is an old schooled comforting and charming place without any moshy-poshy pretensions, in which canary bird's mini tasting menus are inexisting.

Now yes, for 126 $ by a good diner for two with wine included; knowing it's in the septic well Madrid is (a very expensive septic well, btw), looks for me a halfly reasonable price, with the certain knowledge you're going to eat there like a marquis. Not cheap, but neither too expensive. I think we understand ourselves.