The soon-to-be Princess of Asturias

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The soon-to-be Princess of Asturias

Post by Terechu »

I suppose that even those of you living in the swamps will have heard about Prince Felipe's engagement to be married. But some of you may not know that the lucky girl (and I mean L-U-C-K-Y!) is an Asturian journalist, the news anchor-woman Letizia Ortiz.

The wedding will take place on May 22nd, and from that date on we will not only have a Princess of Asturias (you know that Spain's crown princes bear the title of Prince of Asturias, as the British bear that of Prince of Wales), but an Asturian Princess - the future queen of Spain.

Let me tell you, even the most hardline Republicanos are smiling these days and find that a Monarchy is not so bad after all.

Supongo que incluso los que viváis en los pantanos habréis oído del compromiso matrimonial del Príncipe Felipe. Pero alguno de vosotros puede que no sepáis que la chica afortunada (y quiero decir AFORTUNADA), es una periodista asturiana, la presentadora de televisión Letizia Ortiz.
La boda será el 22 de mayo y a partir de esa fecha no sólo tendremos una Princesa de Asturias (sabréis que los príncipes herederos de España llevan el título de Príncipe de Asturias, como los británicos el de Príncipe de Gales), sino una asturiana princesa - la futura reina de España.

Cómo os lo diría yo, estos días incluso los republicanos más acérrimos sonrien y piensan que la Monarquía no es tan mala después de todo.

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Re: The soon-to-be Princess of Asturias

Post by jomaguca »

Terechu, estoy contigo , una chica como se dice del pueblo y porque no ?muy lista ,a ver si la futura Reina de España, mira mas para su tierra, y nos saca un poco de ser una region olvidada,no te parece? :lol: saludos
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Promoción comercial

Post by Carlos »

¿Sabeis cuál es la última oferta de Alimerka? :roll:

Si comprais un paquete de galletas Príncipe y otro de madalenas Ortiz, te regalan una Coronita. :lol:

(Qué vamos a hacer, uno es republicano) :twisted:
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Post by Terechu »

Jomaguca, seguro que la publicidad gratuita que "la Leti" nos está haciendo nos va a venir muy bien. Creo que en Ribadesella ya están subiendo los precios de las fincas, porque todo el mundo cree que si veranean allí, tarde o temprano los pelotas de turno querran hacerse un chalet cerca. Ya pasó con el Marqués de Argüelles, y sólo era un marqués.

Carlos, muy buenu el chiste. Ahora tradúzlu! :D
Por cierto, una también ye republicana, pero ante todo soy asturiana y si tenemos que tener una reina, que sea de aquí y que yos ponga los fíos Pelayo y Covadonga, si quier.

Jomaguca, I'm sure the free publicity we are getting from "Leti" will be good for us. I heard that real estate prices in Ribadesella are up, because everybody believes that if they spend their summer vacations there, sooner or later the boot-lickers will want to build a house near them. It happened before with the marquis de Argüelles, and he was only a marquis.

Carlos, very good joke. Now translate it! :D
By the way, one is also a republican, but first and foremost I am Asturian, and if we have to have a queen, it's better to have one from right here that will name her kids Pelayo and Covadonga, if she wants to.

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Re: Promoción comercial

Post by Art »

Carlos wrote:¿Sabeis cuál es la última oferta de Alimerka? :roll:

Si comprais un paquete de galletas Príncipe y otro de madalenas Ortiz, te regalan una Coronita. :lol:

(Qué vamos a hacer, uno es republicano) :twisted:
Let's start on the translation of this one by Carlos.

I understand half of his message: the easy half! I understand the joke as far as its playing with the names of the prince and his fiancé, and the extra crown.
Do you know what is the latest offer at Alimerka (sale at a grocery store)?

If you by a pack of Prince (brand) cookies and another of Ortiz (brand) "fairy cakes" (a type of sponge cake), they'll give you a Crown (a brand--of what?) for free.

(What are we going to do? One is republican.)
What is a Coronita?

And...sorry for being so ignorant of contemporary Spanish politics...what is a "republican" in contemporary Spain? I assume that it must be right-wing party? How odd that the 1930s Republicans would be different from the 2000s.

translated by Art & Reverso

Vamos con la traducción de éste mensaje de Carlos.

Entiendo la mitad de su mensaje: ¡la mitad fácil! Entiendo el chiste por su juego con los nombres del príncipe y su fiancé, y la corona suplementaria.
Do you know what is the latest offer at Alimerka (sale at a grocery store)?

If you by a pack of Prince (brand) cookies and another of Ortiz (brand) "fairy cakes" (a type of sponge cake), they'll give you a Crown (a brand--of what?) for free.

(What are we going to do? One is republican.)
¿Qué es un "Coronita?"

¿Y ... lamento de ser tan ignorante de política contemporánea española ... qué es "un republicano" en España contemporáneo? ¿Asumo que debe ser un partido de la derecha? Que raro que los Republicanos de los años 1930 serían diferentes a partir de los años 2000.
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Post by Bob »

While I will have to look to our Asturian friends for enlightenment, my guess is that "Coronita" (diminutive of "corona") refers to the expected offspring of the wedding.

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Post by Art »

That's an interesting idea. I had assumed it was a brand of cookies or something to eat, but referred to the crowns (the things they'll put on their heads).

Americans will have heard of "Corona," which is a Mexican brand of beer, but "Coronita" is a new one for me.
Last edited by Art on Tue Dec 09, 2003 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Brands and republicans

Post by Carlos »

Píncipe is a cookies' brand: Príncipe de Bekelar, Ortiz is another brand, and Coronita... Bingo! A mexican beer! :lol:

And with the term "republican", no relation with the US Republican Party, it is a more or less left anti-monarchic political tendence. Ah, Robespierre, Robespierre, where are you? :cry:

Another joke:

-Why the Spanish kings are crowned within a submarine?
-Why in deepest they are not so chunk :lol:
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Post by Terechu »

Hey, you did a pretty good job translating! I'll summarize:

If you buy a pack of Prince (brand) cookies and a bag of Ortiz cupcakes you get a free Coronita (little crown, Mexican brand beer).

Coronita is the same as Corona, only in Spain the name Corona was already registered when the Mexicans started marketing their beer here, so they had to go for the next best name.

Republicanos were those who fought the Monarchy and the right wing regimes. Today's Republicanos are mostly so out of family tradition, because nowadays the Monarchy is constitutional and thus perfectly democratic. In addition, the Royal Family know how to keep their place and stay on the good side of both right and left wingers.

I'll be translating Carlos treaty on the Montera this evening, hopefully, it will take me some time.

Hey, lo hicísteis bastante bien con la traducción. Resumo:
.....chiste de Carlos ...

Coronita es lo mismo que Corona, sólo que en España es nombre Corona ya estaba registrado cuando los mexicanos empezaron a comercializar su cerveza aquí, de manera que tuvieron que contentarse con el siguiente nombre más parecido.
Los republicanos fueron los que combatieron a la Monarquía y a los regímenes de derechas. Hoy en día la mayoría lo es por tradición familiar, ya que la Monarquía actual es constitucional y por tanto perfectamente democráctica. Además, la familia real sabe mantenerse en su sitio y llevarse bien tanto con la derecha y como con la izquierda.

Espero poder traducir el tratado de Carlos sobre la montera esta noche, me llevará algún tiempo.

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Re: The soon-to-be Princess of Asturias

Post by Terechu »

jomaguca wrote:Terechu, estoy contigo, una chica como se dice del pueblo y porque no ?muy lista ,a ver si la futura Reina de España, mira mas para su tierra, y nos saca un poco de ser una region olvidada,no te parece? :lol: saludos
QUE NOS HAGAN LA VARIANTE DE PAJARES YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Translated by Terechu

Terechu, I'm with you, a girl of the "people" so to speak and why not? Very bright. Let's see if the future Queen of Spain looks more to her land and gets us out of being a forgotten region, don't you think? :lol:
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submarine joke

Post by Sweeney »

Ok, I think something was lost in the translation when it comes to that Submarine joke. I do not understand. Can somebody explain it to me. :?

Why the Spanish kings are crowned within a submarine?
-Why in deepest they are not so chunk
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Post by Terechu »

I don't know about that "chunk" part either, Donna, but the joke goes:

Why are Spanish kings crowned in a submarine?
Because deep down inside they are not so stupid.

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Kings, submarines and stupidity

Post by Carlos »

Sorry, I explain the joke (the best way for killing a joke) :)

In Spanish:

-Por qué a los Reyes de España los coronan en un submarino?
-Porque en el fondo no son tan tontos

"En el fondo" is the same that "at heart", but also "in deepest (of the sea)"
With the other word, really I don't know what does mean "chunk", I have tried to translate "zoquete" (a synonym of "tonto") with Altavista (I don't have any Spanish-English-Spanish dictionnary), and the result is "chunk" :roll:

I do my best with English, folks! :wink:
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Post by Art »

I went backwards from "chunk" and found in my computer dictionary a familiar meaning of "chunk" listed as "cacho." I've never heard of that use of it. Maybe it's British English. "Chunk" usually means "pedazo or trozo."

"Zoquete" would usually be translated as "sock, ankle sock," but in a familiar sense it means: "dimwitted, blockhead."

So, some words you could use for "zoquete" in this context are: "dimwitted, blockhead," or maybe "silly, stupid."

Good joke!
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Post by Sweeney »

Dear Art:

You are probably right. It may be a British word for stupid. Maybe it is another way to say THICK as in THICK HEADED. :D
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