Interesting comments from all of you in this thread. Art is right that people in Xixon (Gijon, pronounced Hee-HOWN in Castilian Spanish) often react quizzically to my Asturian. Its a mix of altitude sickness (you jeopardize a person's social status if you speak to them in Asturian), but also of sheer ignorance.Llames wrote: I understand Paul's asturian and Mofusu's asturian, despite that my own asturian is a mixture of Central Asturian and "Academic" Asturian. The difference between dialects of Asturian is just the same as you can hear between New York's english and London's english.
Entiendo l'asturianu de Paul y el de Mofusu, magar el mi asturianu ye una amestadura de l'asturianu central y el de la Academia de la Llingua. La diferencia ente los dialectos de l'asturianu ye la mesma que la que pué haber ente el inglés de Nueva York y el de Londrés.
Friends from my master's swim team at the Club Santolaya (Santa Olaya; again, we are constantly putting things in parenthesis to make sure people understand) in Xixon never knew how to 'place me'. Some bluffed with me, labeling me as a Galician. OK, except that most West Asturians speak the way I do...
Only one woman from County Ibias knew where I came from and we used to chat between heats in West Asturian. She's originally from Valdeferreiros, at the westernmost point of Ibias, and their dialect is very close to the Galician spoken in Lugo. It was fun because we had so many words in common. They say 'uz' for heather, as we do in Ayande (Allande).
However, as Llames points out, the differences between Asturian dialects are not that abysmal. Only if your are predisposed to not understand another dialect for schooling or ideological reasons, will you declare that it is incomprehensible to you, i.e., you do not want to understand.
Admittedly, Art, West Asturian sounds odd to people in Aviles-Xixon-Uvieu, mainly because of our 'ts' sound. But it's not like we're speaking Belarussian. Like Llames says, if I'm from Queens visiting the West End of London, I don't give up trying to understand. It's hard, but I just need to hone my ear.
Doable or not, we all hope Art is doing better. His Asturiania classes up in Llangreu (Langreo) this August took a toll on him and he was a little 'fastidiau' for schlepping books all the way back to Maryland. As the Russians would say, Art, dozdorovites! They would also suggest a session of banya with someone to hit you with birch branches.
But I leave that explanation for a different post...
Abondo interesantes los comentarios d’esti filu. Art seique tien razon cuando diz que la xente de Xixon (Gijon) nun sabe que fader col miou asturianu. Ia una reaccion qu’amiesta el ‘noxu d’altura’ (si falas a una persona n’asturianu paez que tas cuestionando la sua posicion social) cona inorancia.
Tengo xente conocio nel equipo masters de natacion del Club Santolaya (Santa Olaya: paez que siempre hai que ponelo en parentesis pa que la xente lu entienda, mesmo si nel club naide nun diz ‘Santa Olaya’) que nun sabe bien au clasificame. Sedra d’aldea esti rapaz? Sedra d’oucidente, tierra que naide nun conoz? Sedra americanu de familia probe? El casu ia que siempre hai dalgun que me chama gal.legu…
Numai una muyer del concello d’Ibias sabia au l.lantame ya charrabamos na piscina n’asturianu oucidental. ia de Valdeferreiros, no punto mas oucidental d’Ibias, ya la fala d’el.los ia la mesma que falan na con Lugo. Prestabame, porque teniamos palabras en comun. El.los dicen ‘uz’, cumo nos n’Ayande (Allande).
Sicasi, cumo diz Llames, peimeque los dialectos del asturianu nun son tan estremaos que la xente nun s’entiende de val.le a val.le. Eso ia un mitu pa tratar a outros de foriatos. Si anguanu una persona pola sua escolarizacion ou por mor d’ideoloxia gusta-y decir que nun t’endiende, al miou paecer ia que nun quier entendete.
Si ho, Art, l’asturianu oucidental suena-ys raro a los d’Aviles-Xixon-Uvieu pol soniu de la ‘l.l’, ou ‘che’ vaqueira. Pero nun tamos tampouco falando en bielorrusu. Si you sou de Bustantigo ya vou pa Tarna, igual tengo que poner la oreya, pero entenderemosnos. Ya igual pal que vei de Queens, NY, a los barrios del West End de Londres.
Que lu faigamos bien ou mal, nun sei. Pero podese bien. Igual que pudo Art conas clases d’Asturiania que garrou esti branu pa Llangreu (Langreo) au tuviera n’agosto. Paez que de la carga de l.libros que mercara ya de lo muitu que-y diera a la parpayuela, tornou pa Maryland daque fastidiau.
Cumo dicen pa Rusia, dozdorovites! Tamien dirian que-y fai falta una sesion de sauna con xente que-y dea con una xamasca de biduleiru!
Eso desplicolo outru dia...