Atlantica XXII (bi-monthly magazine)

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Atlantica XXII (bi-monthly magazine)

Post by is »

Atlantica XXII

The first issue of Atlantica XXII (March 2009) is on sale at kiosks in Asturias. The front cover features a euro coin tacked onto a faceless corporate suit and the lead article is ‘Los duenos de Asturias’ (The owners of Asturias). The publication’s website is I’m not sure how much content will be posted online.

The featured articles on the cover of Atlantica XXII include ‘El franquismo pervive’ (‘The Franco legacy lives on’, by Jose L. Garcia Rua), ‘Laboral, vanguardia o papanatismo’ (‘The Laboral Arts Center: avant-garde or idiocy’) and ‘El Asalto al Banco de Espana en el 34’ (‘The takeover of the Bank of Spain in 1934’).

The idea of the magazine is to rev up a critical mass of independent public opinion in Asturias. Such is the anesthetic effect of media control by the PSOE/FSA (the ruling Socialist party in Asturias and inheritor of Franco’s dictatorship) that few, if any, dissenting voices are heard. Key issues include corruption scandals in the construction sector, which have proven the downfall of the Spanish economy.

The recent case of Ovidio Blanco in Xixon (Gijon, in Spanish) is particularly telling. A former urban planner for the city with the PSOE, Blanco bought a plot of land in Cabuenes for 20,000 euros in 1994. Still employed by the city as head urban planner, he sold the piece of land, bought it again and resold once more for 609,900 euros, grossing 589,900 euros.

Madrid’s daily ‘El Mundo’ (center right) had to break the story in Asturias because no local media (other than bloggers) were willing to take on such an obvious case of influence peddling involving a public official. A similar case has surfaced with IDEPA, the investment promotion agency of Asturias ( The director, Victor Gonzalez Marroquin, says his salary of 107,000 euros/year ($144,858) is ‘public, but not publishable’. News to me, but it hasn’t prevented Marroquin from issuing veiled threats to journalists.

What I like most about Atlantica XXII is its unapologetic accountability. The magazine is headed by Xuan Candano, an investigative reporter who works at the branch of TVE (Spain’s public television) in Asturias. On page 2 of the magazine, there is a picture of the 16 founding members who have jumpstarted the project with seed money of 46,000 euros. The members’ list includes firefighters, journalists, teachers, professors, notaries, editors, entrepreneurs, lawyers and freelancers. The subscription fee is 30 euros per year and you will be showing support for one of the scarce independent media in Asturias.

Here’s an excerpt of Xuan Candano’s op-ed on page 1:

“We think Asturias needs a media outlet like Atlantica XXII to strengthen public opinion, which has been severely weakened and unable to participate in public debates, most of which are poor because they are conditioned by institutional forces and official outlets. The global media seems to have given up its role as a legitimate check for those in power. Atlantica XXII was created to fill that vacuum…”
Last edited by is on Fri May 01, 2009 9:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Art »

Very interesting, Is. And you really should be working with them!


Muy interesante, Is. ¡Y de verdad deberías estar trabajando con ellos!
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Post by Terechu »

Los que conocen a Ovidio Blanco saben que no ha hecho nada ilegal en su vida- especular hoy por hoy no es ilegal, es la principal actividad de la banca por ejemplo.
La cuestión es que se acercan las elecciones municipales y la alcaldesa de Gijón no se va a presentar. En su lugar iría F. Buendía, jefe de Ovidio Blanco durante muchos años. ¿Tengo que explicar más?
Por qué se saca ahora a relucir un tema que ya es de 1992?
The people who know Ovidio Blanco know that he hasn't done anything illegal in his life - speculation as it were is not illlegal and is in fact the main activity of banks, for instance.
The issue here is that there are municipal elections coming up and Gijón's mayoress will be retiring this year. In her stead F. G. Buendía will be running, and he happens to have been O.B. boss for many years. Need I explain further? Why bring up an operation that started back in 1992?
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Post by is »

Actually, Ovidio Blanco bought the plot of land in Cabuenes for some 7,513 euros ($10,077) back in 1992 when he was chief urban planner for the city of Xixon, not 20,000 euros ($26,821) like I wrote earlier. These are the numbers published today (April 6, 2009) by La Nueva Espana (

If he sold and resold the famous plot of land (known as 'La Llosina', or the garden, in Asturian) for 609,907 euros ($817,768) a few years ago, he has pocketed a hefty total of 602,394 euros ($804,886.55). Not bad for business-on-the-side for a public official.

As nice as the man may be on a personal level and as much as he may love dogs, Ovidio Blanco was a civil servant while the transactions took place. As chief urban planner of a city of 270,000 people, his access to information was privileged in many ways and on many levels.


Al final resultou qu’Ovidio Blanco mercou el prau de Cabuenes en 1992 por 7.513 euros ($10.077) de la que trabayaba cumo arquitecto en xefe pal conceyu Xixon. La outra cifra de 20.000 ($26,821) que punxera mas arriba nun taba bien. Esto ia lu qu’asoleyou La Nueva guei (6 d’abril 2009).

Si Blanco vendeu ya volveu a vender el prau conociu cumo ‘La Llosina’ por 609.907 euros ($817.768) vei poucos anos, entos embolsou un total de 602.394 euros ($804.886), que nun ta mal pa los negocios privaos d’un funcionariu publicu asturianu.

Tou seguru que ia tolo bon paisanu que diz la xente ya dexuro que-y gustan muitu los perros. Pero el casu ia qu’Ovidio Blanco yera emplegau de Xixon (pagau pola xente del conceyu) de la que se fixenon esas compraventas. Cumo arquitecto en xefe nuna ciuda de 270.000 personas, naide nun pue refugar que nun tuviera informacion privilexao.
Last edited by is on Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Terechu »

No, not bad at all. Why shouldn't he speculate like everyone else in this country, when he's got the chance. Being a public servant never stopped Oviedo's mayor from buying a palace in Benia de Onís, among other things. It's ridiculous how only small fries are attacked by the media, because they are afraid to attack the real big fish.

No, no está mal. Por qué no iba a especular como todo hijo de vecino en este país si tiene una oportunidad? Estar al servicio público nunca impidió al alcalde de Oviedo comprar un palacio en Benia de Onís, entre otras muchas cosas. Es ridículo el linchamiento mediático de los que llevan 30 años de trayectoria impecable, porque no se atreven a atacar a los auténticos mafiosos.
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Post by is »

Terechu wrote:It's ridiculous how only small fries are attacked by the media, because they are afraid to attack the real big fish.
Es ridículo el linchamiento mediático de los que llevan 30 años de trayectoria impecable, porque no se atreven a atacar a los auténticos mafiosos.
So who are the real big fish in Asturias?


Entos, cuales son los peixes grandes n'Asturias?
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Post by ayalgueru »

Terechu wrote:No, not bad at all. Why shouldn't he speculate like everyone else in this country, when he's got the chance. Being a public servant never stopped Oviedo's mayor from buying a palace in Benia de Onís, among other things. It's ridiculous how only small fries are attacked by the media, because they are afraid to attack the real big fish.

No, no está mal. Por qué no iba a especular como todo hijo de vecino en este país si tiene una oportunidad? Estar al servicio público nunca impidió al alcalde de Oviedo comprar un palacio en Benia de Onís, entre otras muchas cosas. Es ridículo el linchamiento mediático de los que llevan 30 años de trayectoria impecable, porque no se atreven a atacar a los auténticos mafiosos.

Coime resulta que esti paisano tolo que fizo ye ser un poco mas llistu que tu o que yo ,,,

Apruebase el plan que incluyó la finca. Quince días depues Blanco pidió una excedencia y pocos meses después Hoyant vende-y la finca por 20.434 pioyosos eurinos, finca que se vendio en 2006 por 617.420 euros. Esto ye mas o menos un beneficiu de 3000% en tres anhos ,,, not bad at all ,,
El casu ye que Hoyant vendio-y finca a Ovidio casi gratis ( 20 mil eurinos ) cuando esta zona ya se veia comu urbanizable. Son tan fatos los de Hoyant ,,, tu crees que la finca vendientela a ti o mi por 20 mil euros o sedra esto preciu d’amigu ¿ … tan fatos son lo de Hoyant mmm Ah non resulta que Hoyant gano col proyectu mas de 5,5 millones de euros …

Los tribunales , solo ellos , diran si hay o si nun hay illegalida ,,, pero que esti paisano , nun sentiu ampliu ,, incluso si técnicamente foi dentro de la llei ,que Ovidio abuso de la posición ta mas alla de toa dulda razonable ,,,

Lo de gabino nun se que quies decir ,, si tas diciendo que Gabino se lucro de foma illegal , si esti fuera el casu entos deberian perseguilu y castigalu ,, o ye que tas diciendo que si roba unu del PP entos ta bien que robe unu del PSOE pa re-equilibrar el Karma ¿ … nun se … yo igual prefiero que nun me roben ,,,

La muyer del cesar nun solo tien que ser honesta tamien tien que lo parecer ,,,

I can definitely smell a rat here ,,,

The urban plan including the plot of land was approved , and a fortnight later Blanco leaves his job as chief urban planner , few months later Blanco buys de land for a measly 20434 euros .. he then resells the land for 617420 ,,, give or take a 3000% profit ,,, nice !

The thing is Hoyant sold the land to Ovidio for a ridiculous 20434 euros when this area was already seen as fit fot development ,, do you think they would have sold the same land to you or me for 20k ? why is Hoyant so stupid ? only apparently stupid ,,, because on the very same project they made a profit of 5.5 millio euro ,,,

Having said that only courts of justice can decide whether something illegal happened or not but even if the mist benign of scenarios , even if everything was done within the law , Mr Blanco obscenely abused his position to make a profit … that is beyond any reasonable doubt ,,,

Not sure what you mean with the story of Gabino buying his palace, but if you are suggesting he did something wrong well , if that is the case ,,, then he should prosecuted and punished ,,, 2 wrongs do not make a right ,,,
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Post by Terechu »

Lo dicho, especular no es delito y técnicamente él ya no era responsable de recalificaciones. Por qué hasta ahora nadie se preguntó cómo ye que esa finca era de una prima de Carmen Polo, la mujer de Franco?

Por cierto, no estoy defendiendo a OB por ningún oculto interés - a mí me perjudicó mucho con una expropiación para un polígono industrial, pero esta campaña es ridícula.
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Post by is »

Terechu wrote:...pero esta campaña es ridícula.
Nun tou d'alcuerdu. N'Asturias lo que fai falta ia precisamente campanas d'esti tipu porque senon naide nun s'entera. Despueis de 4 selmanas n'Asturias ta bien claro que aiqui nun t'enteras de nada viendo la TPA ou l.lendo El Comercio (que vei tiempu nun sou a l.leer).

No que si tou d'alcuerdu ia qu'el PP fairia igual. Al final, la FSA (PSOE d'Asturias) cumo'l PP bregan polos mesmos intereses. Namai que la FSA vei de bon rollu ya la xente traga...


I fully disagree. There's a white elephant in the room in Asturias that no one ever wants to talk about and campaigns of this kind (corruption scandal surrounding Ovidio Blanco) is precisely what's needed to keep people informed. After 4 weeks in Asturias it's clear that you learn nothing by watching the TPA (Asturian public television, entirely beholden to the ruling Socialist party) or reading El Comercio (the Xixon daily that I am no longer able to read).

The only thing I agree with is that the PP (conservative right-of-center party) would work the same way. At the end of the day both the FSA (the PSOE in Asturias) and the PP are cogs in the same wheel of interests. The only difference is that the FSA camouflages its interests by selling itself as a progressive party and uncritical people assume it's genuine.
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Post by Llames »

Home, un urbanista-xefe del Ayuntamientu de Xixón que merque y venda tierres nel mesmu conceyu faciendo un negociu de la mi madre...nun creo que esto seya especulación, de xuru que los tribunales y dan otru nome.

Lo de que nun tuviera ya nel Ayuntamientu cuando fizo lo que fizo tampoco me diz ná. L'urbanismu planease con tiempu, nun ye daqué de güei pa mañana, esí que si, como dicen, coló del su puestu unes selmanes antes del "negociu" tampoco ye explicación.

Amás, nun veo'l problema. Si esi home actuó correctamente, entós los tribunales absolveranlu y toos los que lu criticaron tendrán que disculpase. Si non fue esí, entós nun hai problema.

L'otru día fice una entrevista pa ser xefe de prensa de un organismo autonómicu en Baleares. El que me entrevistaba terminó la entrevista diciéndome: "Sabes que si te contratamos vas a ser una persona expuesta a los medios. Este cargo conlleva esta responsabilidad mediática, además de las propias del puesto". Más verdá qu'un santu. Si yes xefe de daqué n'un organismu públicu nel tu sueldu cobres por aguantar estes coses (y si nun las quies aguantar pues dir a los tribunales a defender los tus derechos).

Dexemos que la xusticia fale.

Pd. A mín dame igual si la finca ye de Franco o de Atila, o si'l paisanu ye buenu o un fíu de puta. Nun me importa tampoco si Paz nun se presenta o hai engarradielles nel Ayuntamientu. Les cosas bien feches, bien parecen.

Por ciertu, el que-y vendió la finca ye vecinu míu dende fae 25 años. Un paisanu de lo mellor, portose siempre con nos como Dios...pero eso nun quita pa que desee que'l tema se investigue.

Trans. Is

Actually, if you consider that the chief architect employed by the municipality of Xixon (Gijon) bought and sold properties in the same municipality where he had jurisdiction and that he netted huge profits, it’s hard to call that simple ‘speculation’. I’m sure the courts have another name for it.

As for the statement that he was no longer employed by town hall when he carried out these transactions, it is not convincing either. Urban planning has long lag times, it’s not something done overnight. If the excuse [for Ovidio Blanco] is that he left his job a few weeks before the sale of the property, then it hardly qualifies an excuse.

However, I don’t see what the problem is. If this man acted lawfully, the courts will clear him of any accusations and those who criticized him will have to acknowledge their mistake.

The other day I went to a job interview for an opening as chief press secretary for a public office in the Balearic Islands. The person interviewing me told me this: ‘You are of course aware that if we hire you, you will automatically be facing the media. This job includes not only the job description, but also the fact that you are accountable to the media at all times’. Absolutely true. If you are a state or public official part of the money you make is precisely to endure this kind of scrutiny (and if you are not willing to be scrutinized you can take it to the courts).

Therefore, we should let the legal system decide.

P.S. I don’t care if the property is Franco’s or Attila’s, or if the man is good-hearted or a son of a bitch. I don’t care either if Paz [Fernandez Felguerosa, mayor of Xixon/Gijon] will not be seeking another term or if there’s a scandal going on in town hall. You can tell when things are well done.

By the way, the person who sold the property [to Ovidio Blanco] was my neighbor for 25 years. He was always gracious with us, but that doesn’t prevent me from wanting to get to the bottom of this.
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Post by is »

For those of you in Asturias, here is a new example of how unchecked the power of the Asturian Socialist Party (PSOE/FSA) has become and how necessary magazines like Atlantica XXII are to act as a counterweight to the monopoly of power.

Fernando Lastra, the FSA spokesperson, suggested in a parliamentary debate yesterday (April 30, 2009) that the head of the financial watchdog institution in the Principality should simply ‘shut up’. Here is the quote as published today (May 1, 2009) by La Nueva Espana:

“Cuando alguien se siente presionado deberia dar cuenta de esas presiones, o callarse, si no corre el riesgo de caer en la insidia.”

[If someone feels pressured, he/she should make those pressures public, or shut up. Otherwise, they risk being merely insidious.]

If you speak Spanish, you can read the article here: ... indicatura

Fernando Lastra is not only proud of his opposition to language rights in Asturias, he is also notorious for acting as the bad cop in political negotiations. His style is characterized by swagger and intimidation. He considers any attempt to judge the FSA’s policies as an attack on his ‘family’, much like a mobster guards the turf in which he operates a racket.

A few weeks ago, he accused striking teachers in Asturias of putting other people through hardship. Except that he used the expression ‘pasarlo putas’ (I can’t think of an apt translation into English) to blackmail them publicly. For Fernando Lastra, we should all just sit back and shut up.

His is the typical attitude of public officials in Franco-era Spain. It also reminds me of the hoarding of public information during the Dick Cheney years, when anything slightly controversial was labeled as highly confidential and thus inaccessible [Remember Cheney's response? 'The Vice President is not part of the Executive...']


Pa la xente que tea n’Asturias, aiqui vei outru exemplu de la probitu de contrapesos na socieda asturiana d’anguanu al poder de la FSA (PSOE d’Asturias) ya la importancia de medios cumo Atlantica XXII frente al excerciciu d’esi monopoliu.

Fernando Lastra, el voceiru de la FSA na Xunta Xeneral, dixo nun alderique el 30 d’abril (2009) qu’el cabezaleiru de la Sindicatura de Cuentas del Principau seique tendria que cal.lase. Aiqui vei la cita ya l’enllaz al articulu na Nueva Espana el dia despueis, 1 de mayu:

“Cuando alguien se siente presionado deberia dar cuenta de esas presiones, o callarse, si no corre el riesgo de caer en la insidia.” ... indicatura

Fernando Lastra ia conociu por tarrecer de los dreitos l.linguisticos d’Asturias (ta arguyosu d’ello), pero tamien por fader de poli malu (bad cop) nas negociaciones de la FSA (la imaxen de neno bonu ia pa Jesus Gutierrez). El xeitu de Lastra ia la chuleria ya la intimidacion. Querer furar nas actividaes de la FSA pa el ia igual que torpedear sua ‘familia’. Actua cumo xefe d’una banda siciliana que brega por protexer el sou chiringuitu.

Vei poucas selmanas, Lastra saliu nos medios asturianos (TPA) acusando a los maestros que taban de fuelga de fader sufrir a los pais de familia. Pero punxose gayu ya utilizou la espresion en castel.lan de ‘pasarlo putas’ pa desprestixar a los profesores nos medios publicos. Seique pa Lastra, toos tariamos mas guapos piesl.lando la boca.

Esti xeitu ia’l tipicu de funcionarios espanoles na domina de Franco. Tamien houbo ehi del.las cousas que fain remembrar a los anos de vice-presidencia de Dick Cheney na Casa Blanca. Cualisquier tema que fora una migaya sensible clasificabalo el vice-presidente de ‘alto secreto’.

Alcordareisvos de sua retruca? ‘El vice-presidente nun ia parte del excecutivu…’
Last edited by is on Sat May 02, 2009 8:48 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by is »

And by the way, the new issue of Atlantica XXII is out on the street as of today (May 1, 2009). The front cover shows a finger emerging from the clouds and pointing to a person--a criticism of the love affair with political appointments in Asturias.

Here is a review of the second issue of the magazine from Les Noticies (

El 1 de mayu llega a los quioscos y llibreríes el segundu númberu de la revista Atlántica XXII, que nesta ocasión ábrese con un artículu sobre la «deucracia nel Principáu», de Javier Álvarez Villa, xurista de l'alministración y miembru del Conceyu por Otra Función Pública n'Asturies (COFPA).

Un reportaxe sobre'l «mieu de los xueces a los políticos» ye otru de los conteníos que s'inclúin nesta edición, na que tamién s'afonda nel tema de la corrupción urbanística. Pa esto cuéntase coles collaboraciones de Fernando Urruticoechea, interventor del Estáu n'alministración local, y de Rafael Bello, qu'entrevista a Francisco Díaz Cadórniga, presidente de la Plataforma SOS Cabueñes.

Pela so parte, el periodista y director de la revista, Xuan Cándano, entrevista al escritor Pablo Ardisana, conteníu que s'ilustra con retratos de Javier Bauluz. Otra manera, Atlántica XXII ofrez un dossier sobre les obres d'El Musel, ellaboráu pol economista David Rivas, José Antonio Madiedo y Marcelo Laruelo.

N'asturianu cuéntase nesti númberu con un reportaxe sobre'l cuarenta aniversariu de la publicación Asturias Semanal, que firma Cristóbal Ruitiña. Esti conteníu complétase con un artículu del periodista Faustino F. Álvarez, que dio nesta publicación los sos primeros pasos profesionales.

Amás, nesta segunda edición va poder lleese un estractu de les memories de la última institucionista viva, Carmen de Zulueta, de 92 años, educada na Residencia de Señoritas de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza, y qu'actualmente vive en Nueva York.

La opinión cúbrese coles firmes de Gregorio Morán, Santiago Alba Rico, Javier Maqua, Wenceslao López, Jerónimo Granda, Maxi Rodríguez y Beatriz R. Viado.

P'acabar, la sección Cultures ábrela una ilustración de la creadora María Jesús Rodríguez. Nesti apartáu, el críticu teatral Francisco Díaz Faes entrevista al dramaturgo Etelvino Vázquez.

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Post by is »

After a long silence, Ovidio Blanco, it turns out, does exist and will have to face a subpoena. A few weeks ago, the LNE (center-right newspaper published in Uvieu/Oviedo), said he was no longer being accused of influence peddling--this according to the team of Xixon's mayor, Paz Fernandez Felgueroso.

As if out of the blue, now it has been decided that making 600,000 euros in one pop shortly after quitting his job as chief architect, is indeed peculiar. Here's the latest (June 9, 2009) at the LNE on this typically Asturian corruption case:

Ovidio Blanco: «Confío en acreditar al juez que no cometí ningún delito» ... gun-delito

El urbanista, que dejó Sogepsa tras la denuncia vecinal, sabe «muy bien lo que pasó» y se defenderá en el Juzgado

M. S.
Desde que estalló el escándalo de Cabueñes, el pasado 16 de marzo, Ovidio Blanco ha preferido mantener un prudente silencio. Sus escasas declaraciones sobre el asunto pretenden dejar claro que él ya no ocupaba ningún cargo público cuando obtuvo lo que la fiscalía considera «innegable lucro» y «enorme plusvalía». Aunque siempre ha defendido la honradez de su trayectoria profesional, Blanco tendrá finalmente que responder ante el juez.

«Como yo sé muy bien lo que pasó, confío en poder acreditar en el Juzgado que no cometí ningún delito», comentó ayer, tras conocer que la resolución de la fiscalía de Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo no le era favorable en una escueta conversación con LA NUEVA ESPAÑA. No quiso hacer más comentarios. Ovidio Blanco considera que los tribunales son el escenario más adecuado para lavar su imagen. Cuando Blanco vendió a Reyal Urbis su parte de la Llosona ya no era, efectivamente, arquitecto municipal. El Ayuntamiento le había concedido la excedencia y trabajaba con un contrato de servicios para la Sociedad Mixta de Gestión y Promoción del Suelo de Asturias (Sogepsa). La entidad prescindió de sus servicios a los pocos días de que la Plataforma contra el Muro de Cabueñes denunciara públicamente las operaciones de compra-venta que había realizado Ovidio Blanco en la parroquia.

Además de tener suelo en la zona, el ex arquitecto jefe municipal fue contratado por las promotoras del plan parcial de Cabueñes para hacer el diseño de esta nueva actuación residencial. Firma el proyecto junto a su colega Camelia Coto. Ambos se han retirado de la operación. Coto, que también trabajaba en Sogepsa, dejó la sociedad la semana pasada.
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Post by mofusu »

Diz el compañeru Llames que tenemos que dexar que fale la xusticia..... ufff, tenémoslo claro. Nes últimes décades solo pasó pola carcel la xente que dende los movimientos sociales y de los trabayadores denunciaron la especulación y la corrupción. Los xueces son los que van comprar el xalé na Llosona :)
Como recomendación, Dylan falando n'asturianu...

"Couldn't help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land
Where justice is a game.
Now all the criminals in their coats and their ties
Are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise"

Trans. Is

Our friend Llames says that we need to let justice be served in this, that's a leap of faith. In the last decades the only people to be sent to jail were those engaged in grassroots activism who denounced speculators and corrupt politicians. It's precisely civil servants in the legal system who will buy a house in La Llosona [the plot of land that Ovidio Blanco bought and resold to a developer].

I recommend listening to Bob Dylan singing in Asturian...

"Couldn't help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land
Where justice is a game.
Now all the criminals in their coats and their ties
Are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise"
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Post by Ayandés »

El problema igual ye precisamente qu'especular nun sía ilegal, que nun "cacen" a más xente. Lo normal sería que'l suelu nun cambiase'l so preciu según la calificación que tenga nos planes d'ordenación urbana, entós tendríemos aforrao munchos problemes d'especulación, d'estrocena del país y de mil histories.

Falando de corrupción, parez que los medios nun tán mui interesaos en caciplar nos resultaos electorales n'España de les elecciones del otru día. Ganaron los "bonos", los que llenen el comederu, y toos calladinos y contentos. Nel recuentu de Gipúzcua viose que pasaren pa otres candidatures 888 votos d'II (Iniciativa Internacionalista). Tamién ye raro'l númberu de votos nulos (¡¡98.000!!) y blancos (¡¡220.000!!). En fin, parezme qu'hubo xente xugando a repartir les papeletes ayenes: "dos pa mí, dos pa tí y dos pa él".

Trans. Is

The problem could be that speculating is not necessarily illegal, which is why people aren't caught. A more rational way of dealing with this problem would be that land prices should not change if a piece of land changes status according to urban development plans. That would save us a lot of grief with property speculators and environmental destruction.

Speaking about corruption, it doesn't look like the media is interested in discussing the election results for the European parliament the other day. In Asturias, the "good camp" won, those who feed the welfare bins, so everybody just shuts up and kicks back contentedly. In the Basque province of Gipuzkoa, however, 888 votes for Iniciativa Internacionalista went to alternate candidates. The number of invalid votes was also striking: 98,000! In addition to 220,000 blank votes [people purposely voting for no one]! It seems to me that people were divvying out the votes: 2 for you, 2 for me and 2 for them.
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