Fiber Arts: Knitting, Spinning - Old or New

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Fiber Arts: Knitting, Spinning - Old or New

Post by Betty »

I have been reading posts in various topics for many months and enjoying sharing comments and observations with my brother, Robert Vega, who is working on our family geneology. Having read the recent posts in another Forum, I have decided it is long past time to attempt to create interest in the other available areas of this wonderful website.

SO, being an avid spinner of fiber and all it's uses, I am interested to know if knitting, spinning, needle felting, felting or other fiber arts are currently popular in Spain, as they are in the USA.

Also, whether anyone in the forum has information concerning ancient or new traditional Asturian patterns for shawls or other fiber creations.

As a llama owner and user of their fiber (as well as sheep, alpaca & others), I am interested to know whether there are llama owners in Spain and sharing that experience. When my husband and I were in Spain I purchased a Bobbin Lace piece in Almagro (Ciudad Real). I had never seen it before and observed elderly ladies creating the beautiful lace. I then explored its creation with members of my fiber guild. One member does Bobbin Lace! I decided Bobbin Lace wasn't my calling in the fiber world, but perhaps it is still popular in Spain?

Our grandmother used to crochet almost constantly and taught me the basics. Though I rarely crochet anymore, I believe my Asturian grandmother did influence my love of these arts. She told me she learned as a very little girl and all little girls in Spain were taught to crochet and embroidery. I never saw her knit though. We used to chuckle at our grandmother when she would "nod off" and her tiny hands would still be clicking away with her crochet hook and fine thread. I still have doilys and table runners she made for me as a wedding gift. Gosh, they are now over 35 years old and very precious to me.

I hope to see some interesting responses from members of the Forum! Betty (Vega) Fockler
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Post by Terechu »

Hi Betty,
That image of your granny nodding off while crocheting reminds me of my own. :lol:
Yes, little girls were taught to sew, crochet, knit and embroider in school and at home. I was one of those lucky little girls, people who never used a crochet, sewing or knitting needle will never know the great pleasure and relaxation you get from these ancient crafts.
And yes, bobbin lace is back big time - I have several friends enrolled in courses at this time.

Hola Betty,
Esa imagen de tu abuela echando una cabezadina mientras hacía ganchillo me recuerda a la mía. :lol:
Si, a las niñas se les enseñaba a coser, hacer ganchillo, tejer y bordar en la escuela y en casa. Yo fui una de esas niñas afortunadas; la gente que nunca haya usado una aguja de ganchillo, de coser o de tejer nunca sabrá el gran placer y relajación que se deriva de estas antiguas artes.
Y sí, el ancaje de bolillos ha vuelto con fuerza - tengo varias amigas apuntadas a cursillos ahora mismo.

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Asturian Stockings and Celtic Lace Patterns

Post by Betty »

Terachu, thanks for your response! I have been enjoying reviewing various old "posts" on the forum. Among those I viewed are the stockings worn by a gentlemen attending an Asturian Festival and the knitting pattern created from his stockings.
How interesting for me that this pattern so closely resembles patterns used by knitters of fine Shetland Shawls today! Some are called Wedding Ring Shawls because they are so fine that the entire shawl will flow through a wedding ring. I am thinking about the Celtic influence in early Spain and how the knitters of fine fibers would have created warm and beautiful stockings in patterns which are still alive and being knitted today in lovely shawls and other items. I pulled out my copy of Martha Waterman's Traditional Lace Shawls and enjoyed re-visiting these beautiful creations.
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espuma del mar chrochet

Post by Joniwrite1 »

I'm new to this site Betty, so forgive my late reply regarding lace and crochet!

My grandmothers were both from Piedras Blancas, Asturias. You could never find either without a crochet hook in hand. Granny's favorite stitch was a lacy one named "espuma del mar" which she had learned from her mother. She created beautiful wool shawls, baby outfits and afghans, as well as silk and cotton doillies and laces. I'm attaching a photo of my Mother's christaining outfit (worn by my granddaughter, Inara). It was made in the 1920's.

Llamas, Alpacas and goats are very popular in this area. Weaving is becoming an interest here also.

Let me know if you're still interested.
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