Lost Genealogical and Historical Documents

Retelling the stories of the Asturian-American migration.<br>
Recontando las historias de la emigración astur-americana.

Moderators: Maria Garcia Alvarez, Moderators

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Manuell Alvarez
Posts: 243
Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:28 am

Lost Genealogical and Historical Documents

Post by Manuell Alvarez »

Hello Everyone,

I have read at least one or two postings that indicated that family and historical documents were destroyed or lost during the civil war.

My father, mentioned that his parents had hired an itinerant teacher/tutor to educate him and his other siblings.

The teacher would take them to the family church where they learned to read from the family and historical documents stored there.

From the family records, Dad said, that he found that one of his great great grandmothers had come from Ireland, and that she had red hair. Further, he indicated that there was a papal document/letter written during the times of Moorish occupation that granted the peoples of Asturias the right to eat meat on Fridays due to the scarcity of fish and seafood. Hopefully, a copy still exists in the historical archives of Spain or at the Vatican for verification.

He claims that these documents were burned by hired mercenaries during the war.

Unfortunately, my father's education was cut short after the teacher whipped him for some mischievous act, for which his older brothers ran the teacher off.

Manuell Alvarez
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