Fotos familia "Suárez Cueto" en USA

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Ana Vega Rodriguez
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Fotos familia "Suárez Cueto" en USA

Post by Ana Vega Rodriguez »

Hola a todos.
He conseguido unas fotografías enviadas desde USA a mis parientes en Avilés sobre los 50, de parte de la familia que se quedó allí, pero no sabemos a ciencia cierta quienes son los que en ellas aparecen...
Si alguien pudiese reconocer a estas personas me gustaría mucho que me informase.

Sabemos quien es José Suárez Cueto, hermano de mi bisabuela Consuelo Suárez Cueto:

José Suárez Cueto

Consuelo Suárez Cueto y su marido José Vega Cueto

Fotografías de personas que no conocemos:






La última dirección que tenemos de José Suárez Cueto en 1963 es:
608 Rush, St
Girard Ohio

¿Alguien podría darme alguna pista?

Muchas gracias
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Marta Elena Díaz García
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Post by Marta Elena Díaz García »

Hola Ana:

He estado viendo las fotos que colgaste en el foro y hay una persona que se me parece mucho a otra de una foto que colgue yo en el "Photo Album" en el apartado 1940-80 Family Photos.
Si vas allí, verás una de Amparo Vega. Esa niña de comunión se me parece mucho a la señora con el vestido de cuadros en las fotos tuyas.
¿Será posible que se trate de la misma persona?

Un saludo,


Hi, Ana:
I have seen the pictures you posted and I have found a person that looks to another in a picture that I sent to the "Photo Album" 1940-80 Family Photos.
The legend of my picture is Amparo Vega, probably the day of her first Holy Communion. This girl looks like the lady in checked dress.
Could it be possible they are the same person?

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Ana Vega Rodriguez
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Post by Ana Vega Rodriguez »

Hola Marta:
Pues no te diría yo que no.
Voy a decirle a mi hermana que les eche un vistazo a ver que piensa ella.
¿Tú sabes algo de esa persona? ¿Es familia tuya o de alguien que tú conozcas?
Veo que vives en Molleda. Yo soy de Avilés aunque ahora vivo en Madrid.
Toda mi famila paterna era de Avilés y alrededores (San Cristóbal, Salinas...) así que quizás te suenen. Les llamaban "Carbayeda".
Esta navidad estuve en La Luz porque allí vive una prima de mi padre que era la que tenía las fotos. Molleda, el Gorfolí... fue duro volver a Madrid.
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda.

Hi Marta.
I could not tell you not. (?)
I'm going to tell my sister she take a look on the pictures to know her opinion.

Do you know anything about this person? Is she part of your family or the faimy of someone you know?

As I can see, you live in Molleda. I am from Avilés althought now I live in Madrid. All my paternal family was of Aviles. People used to call them "Carbayeda".

Last Chirsmas I was in La Luz because my father's cousin who had the pictures lives there. Molleda, el Gorfolí... It was hard to come back to Madrid.

thanks for your help
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Post by Art »

Hola, Ana,
Creo que se traduce "Pues no te diría yo que no." como "Well, I'm not going to tell you that it isn't so." or "Well, I won't tell you that isn't true." .... or algo así.
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Ron Gonzalez
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Post by Ron Gonzalez »

Did any of your family ever live in Canton Ohio?
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Marta Elena Díaz García
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Post by Marta Elena Díaz García »

Hola Ana:

La foto de Amparo Vega la tenía mi abuela junto con otras de los familiares que se quedaron en USA.

Sin embargo, ninguno de ellos se apellidaba Vega, por lo que no sé realmente de quien se trata.

Tengo que revisar algunas cartas que conservo para ver si entre ellas, aparece algo sobre esa niña.

También voy a preguntar a mis tios si conocen a los "Carbayeda".
Un saludo,

Hi, Ana:
The picture of Amparo Vega was among others that my grand-mother had of our relatives in USA.

However, any [Art: none] of them were Vega; so, I don't know who is the girl.

I have to check some letters I keep from the relatives in USA to see if there is any information about her.

Also, I'll ask my uncles for the "Carbayeda".
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Post by Ana Vega Rodriguez »

Hola a todos.
En primer lugar gracias por la ayuda gramatical. Me encanta, porque además de buscar a mi familia aprendo inglés y ninguna de las dos cosas tiene precio para mi.

Ron, no tengo ni idea de si alguien de mi familia vive aun en Ohio. Sólo se que al menos el tio José Suárez Cueto vivió allí como mínimo hasta 1963, fecha de su última carta. En la parte de atrás de sus fotos figura "FIDEL STUDIO. YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO. 1949" y en sus cartas la dirección "608 Rush, St. Girard Ohio (1963)".

Marta, definitivamente la niña Amparo Vega de tu foto nos parece la misma persona que la de la nuestra. Hay que tener en cuenta que a USA mi bisabuela, Consuelo Suárez Cueto y mi bisabuelo, José Vega Cueto fueron por separado, posiblemente con sus familias, y allí se conocieron y casaron, lo que hace que haya, o pueda haber dos ramas familiares aún allí. Una sería "Vega Cueto" y la otra "Suárez Cueto". Por alguna razón que no conozco, en algunas cartas o fotos aparece el Cueto y no el Suárez o Vega...
Ellos se casaron y tuvieron su primer hijo en Harrison County, WV, pero al menos el hermano de mi bisabuela vivió en Ohio.

Una aclaración sobre las fotos es lo que pone en la parte de detrás y no incluí y os pongo ahora:


Según esto , la mujer sería hermana de mi bisabuelo, es decir, Josefa Vega Cueto.


La información en la parte de detrás es más moderna que la foto, pero si fuese así, sería una hermana de mi bisabuela "Suárez Cueto"

Hello everyone.
First of all, thanks for the grammatical help. I love it, because in addition to looking for my family I learn English and both things are priceless for me.
Ron, I have not idea if someone of my family still lives in Ohio. I only know that at least the uncle José Suárez Cueto lived there as minimum until 1963, date of his last letter. In the part of behind of his pictures it appears " FIDEL STUDIO. YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO. 1949 " and in his letters the direction " 608 Rush, St. Girard Ohio (1963)) ".

Marta, definitively the girl Amparo Vega of your photo looks like to us the same person as that of ours. It is necessary to keep in mind that my great-grandmother, Consuelo Suárez Cueto and my great-grandfather, José Vega Cueto were separately to USA, possibly with their families, and there, they met and married. Because of that, there could still be two familiar branches there. One would be " Vega Cueto " and another "Suárez Cueto". For some reason that I do not know, in some letters or pictures Cueto and not Vega or Suárez appears.

They married and had his first son in Harrison County, WV, but at least the brother of my great-grandmother lived in Ohio.

A clarification on the photos is what it is write on behind, I did not include and I include now:



Then, the woman could be my great-grandfather's sister, Josefa Vega Cueto.


The information in the part of behind is more modern than the photo, but if it was like that, she would be a sister of my great-grandmother " Suárez Cueto "
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Post by Ana Vega Rodriguez »

Lo siento, me equivoqué con la parte de detrás de la segunda foto. Aquí está:
I'sorry, I make a mistake with the second picture. Here, it is:

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Ron Gonzalez
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Post by Ron Gonzalez »

The photo of the people at the railroad station the lady second from the left I've seen her before at Canton Ohio. I don't remember her name but I know that my family knew her , they would visit when we went to the Spanish picnic. At the time I was about 9 or 10 years old ,we would make the trip from Spelter to Canton every year it was a two day event.
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Re: Fotos familia "Suárez Cueto" en USA

Post by joewgarcia »

In response to Ana Vega Rodriguez:


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Re: Fotos familia "Suárez Cueto" en USA

Post by joewgarcia »

In response to Ana Vega Rodriguez:






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Post by Art »

Welcome, Joe! It would be helpful if you posted some text to explain your photos. You could tell us, for example, who is in them, where were they taken, and how you received them.
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Re: Fotos familia "Suárez Cueto" en USA

Post by joewgarcia »

Hello I posted a message when I added the pictures to this site. If you can't find the message please let me know and I will send another one. I'm new on here and I don't know if my message is getting posted. Thank You
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Post by Art »

Hi, Joe,

Yep. Participating in a forum can be confusing at first! That's one reason why we've got a number of help topics in this area of the forum:

On the forum, messages are arranged in treads (a string of messages) and each thread appears in one specific topic or subject area. That means that a message in one thread or subject area won't be linked to another message in a different thread.

When you introduced yourself, you did give some info on your family here:
Then you posted some images without any description or explanation in the thread I'm responding to now. The forum doesn't link those two threads, so your readers won't know what's going on. Readers of this current thread will wonder what you were thinking when you posted the photos here. Unfortunately, we have to be direct and explicit in a forum because forums have some limitations and few of us are good mind readers!

Also, when you are posting, it would be helpful if you would use the "post reply" button a the bottom of the thread, not the "quote" button at the top of an individual message. The "quote" button adds old text to your message and this is usually not necessary. Most of the time, it just makes it harder to find your new message. I'll add an image that describes this in more detail.

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Re: Fotos familia "Suárez Cueto" en USA

Post by joewgarcia »

I am posting this reply to Ana Vega Rodriquez's photos.

The picture of the family around the Kitchen table are in the back with his back to the wall is my Grandfather Armando Gonzalez Garcia. Starting in front on the laft side is My Grandmother Josefa Suarez Cueto Fernandez Garcia, next is My Aunt Emily Garcia Menendez, with my cousin (little girl on lap) Jeannie Slonaker ,next is my Aunt Olga Fernandez Slonaker ,and between her and my Grandfather is my Aunt Mary Louise "Weesa" Garcia Lancaster. On the right side from front to back is My Aunt Blanche Fernandez Perzinski, my Uncle Frank Perzinski, My Uncle Waylon Lancaster and the other little girl is My Cousin Karen Louise...

I am posting this picture and similar picture that I have as well as some more older family pictures. In the similar picture is from the left side front to back first is My Uncle Mino Menendez holding my cousin Jeannie, next is my cousin Linda Jo,The beautiful woman standing is My Aunt Olga Fernandez Slonaker, sitting down stuffing his face (and getting The Look from my Grandfather) is my Dad Joe Garcia. The little boy is my cousin Mike Slonaker, My Grandfather with my Grandmother standing behind him. From the front on the right side is my Aunt Mary Louie "Weesa" holding my cousin Karen and then My Uncle Waylon.

The picture in the Kitchen is my Aunt Mary Louise "Weesa" stuffing her face and my Grandfather sitting in his usual corner. I'm not sure about the girl holding the dress because I can't see her face.

The Picture on the couch with the women is My Grandmother in the middle on the left side is My Aunt Freda Fernandez Vasquez on the right side is my Cousin Pat and the twins are my cousins Debbie and Diane.

The picture on the couch is from left to right my cousin Linda Jo, my cousin Jeannie, my Dad, my cousin Karen and my cousin Mike.

The young man in the black and white picture is my Dad and the color picture is me Joseph Wayne Garcia.

The picture of the houses in Moundsville is known as Spanish Row and that is where my Grandparents, Aunt and cousins lived and my Dad was born.









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