
Serving cider & wine with Asturian meals. Making cider & other beverages.<br>
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.

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Post by Anzu »

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Sidrocoles 2012. Semando Sidreros

Ya tamos preparando’l cabás pa dir al cole. LA SIDRA entama, un añu más, el so percorríu pelos colexos deprendiendo a la nuesa reciella cómu se fae la sidre. Una iniciativa prestosa que ta frutiando y espardiéndose.

Yá va cinco años que LA SIDRA dedica’l mes de payares a la reciella, acompangando a los colexos a visitar los llagares del so conceyu o llevando fasta los centros el nuesu completísimu equipu pa facer sidre: el duernu, los mayos, la mayaora mecánica, el llagar, la pala... y cómo non, la xarra pa repartir la sidre’l duernu, el momentu más esperáu de tol procesu.

El procesu d’ellaboración de la sidre ye, pa dalgunos, un auténticu misteriu, dándose’l casu de neños que mos traxeron llimones en llugar de mazanes. Pa otros, que faen sidre’n casa, los Sidrocoles son el momentu de dar emportancia a esos conocimientos y ponelos en valor.

Nos Sidrocoles los escolinos deprenden a facer sidre, pero non solo, deprenden muncho más: a trabayar en comuña, a estremar una mazana de sidre d’una de mesa, a nomar les coses pol so nome -qu’un mayu nun ye un palu nin la sidre’l duernu zusmiu de mazana-, a comprender el furrulamientu d’una prensa y dalgunos mesmos a sacar concluxones de la llei de la palanca... Los neños tienen curiosidá, quieren deprender, y nosotros queremos que pente lo que deprenden tea, nun llugar principal, la nuesa cultura. Semar güei pa recoyer nel futuru.


Ciderschools 2012. Planting cidery people

We are already preparing the school bag to go to class. LA SIDRA organizes one more year its travel through the schools teaching our kids how cider is made. A nice initiative that is already fruiting and spreading.

For four years LA SIDRA dedicates the month of November to the children, accompanying the schools to visit the cider presses of their council or carrying there our very complete cider making equipment: the "duernu", the "mayos", the mechanic smasher, the cider press.... and of course the jar to share the sweet cider or "sidre'l duernu", the most expected moment of the whole process.

The cider making process is for some people a true mistery, being a case when the kinds gave us lemons instead of apples. For others, who make cider at home, the Ciderschools are the place to give relevance to those knowledges and theri value.

In the Ciderschools the kids learn how to make cider, but not only that, they learn much more: to work together, to distinguish between a cider apple and a table apple, to name things by its name -that a "mayu is not a club and sidre'l duernu is not just apple juice-, to know the working of a press and some of them to know how to run the press with the lever... Kids have curiosity, they want to learn and we want that among what they learn there is our culture in a capital place. We seed now to harvest in the future.
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Post by Art »

Thanks for "keeping us in the loop" about cider, Anzu!


¡Gracias por ponernos al día con la sidra, Anzu!
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Nun les merecen

Post by Anzu »

Nun les merecen. Tornaré ceo a espublizar dalgunes noticies del entornu la sidre, sobre too les que tean especial interés pa los usuarios de fuera d'Asturies.


You're welcome. Soon I'll continue to publish news about the cider environment, especially those of special interest for the users from outside Asturies.


De nada. Volveré pronto a publicar algunas noticias del entorno de la sidra, sobre todo las que tengan un especial interés para los usuarios de fuera de Asturies.
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