Genetics of Iberian Populations over Time

Researching our ancestors in Asturias & America.<br>
Investigando nuestros antepasados en Asturias y America

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Genetics of Iberian Populations over Time

Post by Bob »

Here is the link to a just published research article (in English) on the genetic structure of the population of Iberia, both historically and in recent time (about 1900). Genetics history is organized in vertical bands running from north to south. The article also has an interesting discussion of a similar banding for liguistic features. While a research article is far from easy reading for lay audiences, the RESULTS section is relatively accessible.

Below is a published summary in Spanish, intended for a general audience. English speakers who do not read Spanish may wish to use Chrome as their browser and right click on the text pf te article, and then select “Translate to English.” ... spana.html

Debajo hay un artículo en castellano, dirigido a una audiencia general, sobre una investigación sobre la estructura genética de la población de Iberia, tanto históricamente como en el tiempo reciente (cerca de 1900). La historia de la estructura genética se organiza en bandas verticales que corren de norte a sur. El artículo también tiene una interesante discución de unas bandas similares de características lingüísticas. ... spana.html
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Post by RogerMol »

Very impressive research, on a first glance. Do you find the google translation good btw, Bob?
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Post by Bob »

I think the Google translation is good enough to get the general sense of the links I posted, but I wouldn't consider any AI translation as good in the sense of complete accuracy, or doing well with nuance , idioms, specialized vocabulary, etc. For literary value, professional academic translators can be quite good.

Here are links to the original text and a decent translation of Gabriel García Máarquez's story Un señor muy vejo con alas enormes. See what you think. ... hWings.htm
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