Searching Morales migration to Puerto Rico from Asturias

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Searching Morales migration to Puerto Rico from Asturias

Post by jibaro46 »

Morales Family migrated to Puerto Rico from Asturias
I have researched the Morales and Gonzalez family geneology and have over 700 names. Looking for more information on ancestors, specially birthplace and dates. Can anyone tell me where I can get that information?
Morales & Gonzalez Families
Fronton, Ciales,P.R.
Researched by Javier A. Morales
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Post by Terechu »

Do you mean that your ancestors were from Asturias or that they sailed from Asturias? The reason I ask is that Morales is much more common in the province of León, our neighbour province to the south, and many "leoneses" left for Puerto Rico from Asturias ports.
In fact, the Morales I know here in Gijón are from León and Zamora.

Quieres decir que tus antepasados eran de Asturias o que partieron de Asturias? Te lo pregunto porque el apellido Morales es mucho más corriente en la provincia de León, nuestros vecinos del sur, y muchos de los leoneses que se fueron a Puerto Rico lo harían desde puertos asturianos.
Los Morales que yo conozco aquí en Gijón son de León y Zamora.

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Post by jibaro46 »

You are probably right, I guess that they might have sailed from Gijon being a port on the north of Leon. Is Asturias a region or town in Spain? Where do you recommend I look for my ancestors data? If you would like to view my webpage please visit According to a document I have it indicates that Ciales was founded mainly by "Asturianos y Mallorquinos" because once they got here they sent for their relatives. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for your reply.
Morales & Gonzalez Families
Fronton, Ciales,P.R.
Researched by Javier A. Morales
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Post by Terechu »

Hi Javier,
I was unable to access the web site, but I believe the first thing you should know is that Morales is the plural of "Moral" = Mulberry Tree. The oldest records on any Morales families seem to come from the Trasmiera region of neighbouring Cantabria (if you look it up in a map, it's near Santander) , which does not mean that your family came from that particular branch necessarily, but then again it could... :?
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Post by Bob »

The problem with Javier's website was a trailing period at the end of the web address, good for proper punctuation but not so good for web usage. I've made the same error myself many time.

In any event, I've edited Javier's web address, and it should work fine now.
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