Announcing, planning for, & reviewing the conferences about the Asturian-American emigrant experience, cultural heritage, & Asturian-American identity.<br>
Anunciar, planear, y resumir las conferencias sobre la experiencia de los emigrantes astur-americanos, la herencia cultural, y identidad astur-americano.

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Post by manzanuca »

Hola a todos:
Esta mañana me ha llamado mi madre y me ha dicho que ayer martes 7 de marzo emitieron, por la noche, en teleavilés, un programa sobre el simposio que ha tenido lugar en Winter Park. ¿Alguién sabe algo?. Me ha dicho también que vio a Jose (mi cuñado) aplaudiendo la actuación de la coral avilesina. Con lo cual seguro que todos vosotros también salisteis. En fin voy a intentar ponerme en contacto con teleavilés para saber si van a volver a emitir el reportaje y así poder grabarlo.
Un saludo
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Post by Bob »

Hola Manzanuca,

I wish I could have seen the television coverage of the Winter Park simposio. Art, Suronda and I were all there (I wish Terechu could have been there too), and all three of us were among the various speakers. There was no news coverage that I am aware of here in the EEUU.

The coral avelesino was wonderful. My dad and I enjoyed them very much. Very good music and a moving performance of Asturias Patria Querida, perhaps even moreso for the astur-americanos present than for the asturianos. Their performance of our Star Spangled Banner (a difficult piece of music at best) was quite touching, and a beautiful gesture.

If you can record the TV coverage of the event on teleavilés, those of us here in the EEUU would very much appreciate your sharing a copy with us.

Un abrazo,

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Post by Terechu »

Carmen, eres un tesoro. Teleavilés no se recibe en Gijón. Hay manera de enterarse si se puede adquirir el video (formato DVD para los americanos) y si es así, nos puedes conseguir el número de referencia para pedirlo?

Carmen, you are a treasure. We can't tune in to Teleavilés from Gijón. Is there any way to find out if the video can be purchased (DVD format for the USA) and if so, could we get an order reference?
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Post by Mafalda »

"Comienza tu día con una sonrisa, verás lo divertido que es ir por ahí desentonando con todo el mundo."
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Post by manzanuca »

Como os había dicho me he puesto en contacto con la gente de Teleavilés y en la programación para los próximos días no tienen la emisión del reportaje. La única solución que me dan es adquirir una copia, en formato VHS o DVD al precio de 20 euros. ¿Qué os parece?
La verdad es que. o yo no me enteré, o la difusión de que un equipo de Teleavilés se iba a desplazar a Florida se dio muy poco o nada a conocer. Mi cuñado Jose que, el día del simposio, pudo acercarse después de trabajar a Winter Park, me dijo que vio una cámara por allí, pero que pensó que era del Rollins College.
Saludos a todos:
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Post by Bob »

Yes, all of the Friday talks were videotaped, but I don't know if it was Rollins College or some other organization that did it. I don't recall seeing a camcorder at the Saturday session in Tampa, however. I'll ask Alberto if he knows who recorded the sessions and how we can get copies.
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Post by Art »

Yes, Saturday's sessions in Tampa were taped, too. I am pretty sure that it was Mark Greenberg's USF Asturian archive project that taped the proceedings.


Sí, se grabaron las sesiones de sabado en Tampa, también. Estoy más o menos seguro que era el proyecto de los archivos asturianos de USF por Mark Greenberg que grabaron las reuniones.
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Post by Trabanco »

I had a old student video taped all the sessions at Rollins on Friday. I have now 8 mini 60 min. DV tapes and I don't quite know what to do with them! I guess I should have them transfer to DVD; I'll work on that. I am willing to share this material with whoever wants it, and also I am accepting help in case somebody wants or knows how to tranfer DV's into DVD's.

The concert on Friday was video taped by Tele Avilés and also a very brief interview with me and Judge Salcines. That, together with some Saint Augustine material, I imagine, has to be what was shown in Avilés TV.

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Post by Art »

I wonder if Mark Greenberg would be interesting in having a copy of those recordings. The library should have the resources to transfer them to DVD, too, shouldn't it?


Me pregunto si a Mark Greenberg le interesaría tener una copia de las grabaciones. La biblioteca tendría recursos de traspasarlos a DVD, también, ¿no?
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