Spanish Jews

Vocabulary & grammar of Asturian & Bable, comparisons with Castilian.<br>
Vocabulario y gramática de asturianu y bable, comparaciones con castellano

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Spanish Jews

Post by Bob »

I was just wondering about terms for Jews and people of mixed Jewish, Christian and Moorish ancestry in castellano and asturianu. Jew is judío in castellano. I can't remember what it is in Asturian (although I would guess xudíu). This is from memory, so I could well be wrong, but I think that the people of mixed Jewish heritage that remained in Spain after the expulsion of the Jews were termed Marranos (something like pig or hog or unclean in castellano; morranu means sucio or dirty in Asturian).

I would appreciate corrections if I am mistaken.

By the way, I highly recommend "A Drizzle of Honey: The Lives and Recipes of Spain's Secret Jews" by David Gitlitz and Linda Kay Davidson. See It is a cookbook and history lesson all in one, based on documents from the Inquisition, and a delightful look into medieval culinary arts.

Bob Martinez
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Post by Mouguias »

As far as I know there is not much record at all of any Jewish minority in Asturias. There was a Jewish quarter in Uvieu in medieval times, but it simply vanished after the expelling of all Jews from the territories under Castilian rule, in 1492. However, if you are interested in the survival of Jewish minorities, I am sure you will enjoy the story of the "chuetas" from Mallorca ... 9&letter=C ... ards.shtml
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Post by almudena »

Hola Bob, si miras la página de La Nueva España ( de hoy (8 de septiembre) encontrarás, en la sección de Oviedo, un pequeño artículo sobre los judíos en esta ciudad
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Post by Art »

Gracias a Almudena. El enlace a este artículo es:

(Nota: el archivo de LNE ya no contiene el artículo)


translated by Art

Thanks, Almudena! The link to that article is:

(Note: the archive at LNE no longer contains the article)
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Post by mmuchacho74 »

Hola desde Mieres (Asturias).
Me gustaría hacer una corrección al término 'marranos'.
Los judios no eran llamados así por su falta de limpieza sino porque, como bien es sabido, su religión no permite comer carne de cerdo y, aunque parezca una contradicción, eran llamados así por no poder comer carne de cerdo.
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Post by Terechu »

Hola Bob y demás,

The history of Spanish Jews is very interesting. When the Association of Sephardic Communities was granted the Premio Príncipe de Asturias a la Concordia in 1991, I cried almost throughout the very moving speech held by their frail old president, Solomon Gaón. Such yearning is beyond belief! That's when I decided to learn more about our long gone Jews. Travelling through Spain and visiting cities like Toledo or Segovia, one has the feeling that some of the neighbours are missing.
Anyway, one of the best books I found so far, with some impressive research work and also very well written, is "Farewell España - The world of the Sephardim remembered" by Howard M. Sachar.
I don't think this book is available in Spanish, though.


La historia de los judíos españoles es muy interesante. Cuando la asociación de comunidades sefardíes recibió el premio Principe de Asturias a la Concordia en 1991, lloré durante casi toda la conmovedora ponencia de su frágil y anciano presidente, Salomón Gaón.
Tanta añoranza es casi increíble! Entonces decidí aprender más sobre nuestros judíos, desaparecidos hace tanto tiempo. Cuando viajas por España y visitas ciudades como Toledo o Segovia, tienes la sensación de que faltan algunos vecinos.
En fin, uno de los mejores libros que he encontrado hasta la fecha, con un trabaja de investigación impresionante y muy bien escrito, es "Farewell España" de Howard M. Sachar, aunque no creo que se haya publicado en español.

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Post by Belarmu »

Del Conceyu d'onde soi,el nomeu Conceyu d'Ayer,una de les mas antigues families diciase que remanecien de merquiantes xudíos orixinarios d'Exito,
l'apellíu al que me refiero ye'l de Mixiu o en Castellan Megido.
Un saludu!

Translated by Terechu

In the county where I am from, namely the Concejo de Aller, one of the oldest families are said to be descending from Jewish merchants from Egypt. The surname I am referring to is Mixiu or Megido in Castillian.
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