Beleno. Book research.

Group &amp; solo; voice, bagpipe, guitar, drum, etc.<br>
Banda y solo; voz, gaita, guitarra, tambor, etc.

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Gregor. Scotland.
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Beleno. Book research.

Post by Gregor. Scotland. »

Looking for information on a band of this name who performed around 1987. Also what does Beleno mean. Thanks to anybody who can help. Gregor.

Trans. Ana

Busco información sobre un grupo con este nombre que tocaba allá por 1987. También qué significa. Gracias por la ayuda.

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Post by Llames »


I think you are looking for Beleño, an asturian folk band. One of its founders was Xuacu Amieva, an asturian piper who won the MacCallan Trophy in Lorient.

In 1987 they published "Ofiusa" (in Greek: snake), and after "Na Ca'l fuau" (in Asturian: In the house of the fire).

I don't know much more than this. Also in Uvieu there is an old and famous folk pub called "Ca Beleño".

Here there's a link where you can buy the cd (is a list, just search Beleño)

And Beleño:
- Celtic mythology, Belenus (also Belinus, Belenos, Belinos, Belinu, Belanu, Bellinus, Belus, Bel) was a deity worshipped in Gaul, Britain and Celtic areas of Italy, Austria and northern Spain. He had shrines from Aquileia on the Adriatic to Kirkby Lonsdale in England. His name means "shining one" or "henbane god"and he is associated with heat and healing.

In Asturies there are some locations bearing that name, for example San Xuan de Beleñu (en Ponga). I think that the election of that band's name is a claim of the "Celtic" influence in Asturies as you can see in that location who has a name that comes from a Celtic God or another example in Taranes (Ponga) o Tarañu (Cangues d'Onis) from Taranis, celtic god of thunder.



Creo que debes tar guetando a Beleño, una banda asturiana de folk. Uno de los sus fundadores ye Xuacu Amieva, que ganó el MacCallan en Lorient cuantayá.

En 1987 publicose "Ofiusa" (del griegu: culiebra), y dempués "Na Ca'l fuau".

Yo nun sé muncho más...Tamíén n'Uvieu hai un vieyu y prestosu pub, el míticu "Ca Beleño" (tamién lu hai en Xixón).

Equí hai un enllaz onde pues mercar música de Beleño


Y de Beleño:
- Ye'l dios de la curación na mitoloxía celta. Belenus (tamién Belinus, Belenos, Belinos, Belinu, Belanu, Bellinus, Belus, Bel) fue venerao en Francia, Gran Bretaña y otres zones "celtes" de Italia, Austria y norte d'España.

N'Asturies hai dalgunos llugares que lleven esi nome, por exemplu, San Xuan de Beleñu (Ponga). Anque creo que la elleción de esi nome ye una reivindicación de la influencia "celta"· n'Asturies. Otros llugares que también tienen nombre de orixen celta son Taranes (Ponga) o Tarañu (Cangues d 'Onis) de Taranis, dios celta del truenu.

Enantes qu'entame l'aldarique cola cuestión celta, remítome al filu sobre'l tema nesti foru. :lol:
Gregor. Scotland.
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Post by Gregor. Scotland. »

Hi Llames and thnks a lot for the reply. It's a big help. Did you ever see the band perform at all?? Cheers Gregor
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Post by Bob »

In the literal sense, beleño is also the name of one or more species of plants.
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Post by Llames »

In 1987 I was 11 years old....and the band didn't survive too much years, sorry.

Beleño sounds familiar to me because I made a recopilation of "Celtic Music" from Asturies when I travelled to Lorient's Interceltic Festival. One of the songs was "Na Ca'l fuau" of Beleño.

And, yes, Bob Beleño is also a plant: "Hyoscyamus niger"
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Post by DancingBrook »

I had the good fortune to see Xuacu play in a small celtic pub in Uvieu a few years back; What a treat. But I never saw Beleño. Xuacu is an incredible performer, surely better than Hevia in my opinion (sorry Hevia).
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Post by Bob »

The most common English name for the species is henbane. It is a member of the same plant family as the potato and deadly nightshade. Definitely not something we would want to eat.
Gregor. Scotland.
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Post by Gregor. Scotland. »

Thanks Guys. Lots of help Cheers Gregor
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Post by Tineo »

Yes, the plant is called "Beleño negro" (black beleño), and i dont remember, but i think it has toxic parts (i must ask uncle "google" about it)

Also is interesting that the origins of the word "beleño", must be linked to BELENOS, a celtic deity like TARANIS or TEUTATIS.

Si, la planta es llamada "Beleño negro", y no recuerdo, pero creo que tiene partes tóxicas (tengo que preguntarle al tío "google")

También es interesante, que el origen de la palabra "beleño" pueda estar emparentada con BELENOS, deidad de la mitología celta, como TARANIS o TEUTATIS
Hello, I´m a Son of Asturias too, my father came to Uruguay in 1956 from "conceyu de Tineo" where most of my family still living and in Avilés too.
I´m interested in all subjects that concerns Asturias.
Gregor. Scotland.
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Post by Gregor. Scotland. »

Thanks again Tineo
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Post by Bob »

Henbane is not only toxic, but also contains hallucinogens. I wonder if there is an association between that and the celtic god.

In general, many members of the Solanaceae contain toxic compounds, even the potato, which has toxic leaves and develops solanine in the skin of the potato when it is explosed to light for too long (just trim off the green skin and the potato is safe to eat.
Last edited by Bob on Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tineo »

Yes Bob, and solanine also is simply destroyed, when boiling the potatoes, is the reason why we eat them cooked.
Hello, I´m a Son of Asturias too, my father came to Uruguay in 1956 from "conceyu de Tineo" where most of my family still living and in Avilés too.
I´m interested in all subjects that concerns Asturias.
Gregor. Scotland.
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Post by Gregor. Scotland. »

Interesting stuff guys thank you Gregor
Javier Cervero
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Post by Javier Cervero »

Gregor. Scotland. wrote:Hi Llames and thnks a lot for the reply. It's a big help. Did you ever see the band perform at all?? Cheers Gregor
Hola, soy nuevo. Hace algún tiempo que leo este interesante foro pero no me he decidido a participar en él. Yo fui miembro de Beleño y de otro grupo asturiano de los años 80 que se llamaba Trasgu. Trabaje en Ofiusa, uno de los discos de Beleño que citáis y toque en el grupo varios años hasta su desaparición. Si tenéis cualquier pregunta sobre el trabajo del grupo y está en mi mano resolverla lo haré encantado y si yo no conozco la respuesta seguro que la tienen otros miembros con los que guardo relación. Si tenéis un rato mirad esta página sobre el Paleolítico Superior. Ahora me dedico a esto. Se desarrolla en Asturias y es una de las joyas de nuestro patrimonio artístico y cultural más desconocida. En la franja Francocantábrica se documentan las primeras manifestaciones artísticas de la humanidad y Asturias está dentro de ella con alguno de los yacimientos más importantes del mundo. Este trabajo trata sobre eso. Ánimo con el foro, es una iniciativa espléndida.


Hello, I'm new. Some time ago I read an interesting forum but I decided not to participate. I was a member of Beleño and another group of 80 named Trasgu. Work Ofiusa, one of the discs citáis Beleño and tap the group several years before her disappearance. If you have any questions about the group's work is in my hand and I will happy to resolve it and if I do not know the answer are sure the other members with which it relates. If you have a little look at this site about the Upper Paleolithic. Now I dedicate to this. It develops in Asturias and is one of the jewels of our artistic and cultural heritage unknown. In the Francocantábrica area documents the first artistic manifestations of humanity and Asturias is in it with one of the most important sites in the world. This paper deals with that. Spirit in the forum, is a splendid initiative.
Gregor. Scotland.
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Post by Gregor. Scotland. »

Hello and thanks for replying to the post. You were a musician with the band Beleno? Did you play with the band at the same time as Frankie Delgado? Thanks Gregor
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