Sidre Bretona/Breton Cider

Serving cider & wine with Asturian meals. Making cider & other beverages.<br>
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.

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Sidre Bretona/Breton Cider

Post by Anzu »

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Breizh, toa una esperiencia sidrera

El viaxe de la dellegación de LA SIDRA a Bretaña supunxo una esperiencia sidrera de primer magnitú.

Arriendes de confirmar la perimportante presencia sidrera bretona nel II Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala, la visita de la dellegación asturiana a Bretaña (Breizh) supunxo una esperiencia sidrera de pirmer grau, de la que namás hai que llamentar la falta tiempu pa visitar los munchos llagares bretones.

La variedá, calidá y presencia social de la sidre bretona ye una de les principales reafirmaciones, pero tamién lo ye la perbona acoyía que mos dieren los llagareros bretones, los más d’ellos conoceores de la sidre asturiano y de la nuesa revista (que reciben mensualmente), arriendes de los que yá conocen físicamente’l nuesu país y los que lo fadrán aína.
Por mencionar ún de los llagares visitaos, el de St. Charles, cuyos llagareros apaecen na semeya consultando la información alrodiu’l II Salón de les Sidres de Gala, na que participarán con dos variedaes de sidre, y onde toviemos un recibimientu estupendu.


Breizh, a true cidery experience

LA SIDRA's delegation travel to Brittany meant a cidery experience of the first order.

Apart of confirming the very important presence of the Breton cider in the II International Exhibition of Gala Ciders, the visit of the Asturian delegation to Brittany (Breizh) was a cidery experience of the first order, we only regret the lack of enough time to visit the many Breton cider presses.

The variety, quality and social presence of the Breton cider is one of the main reaffirmations but also is the very good welcome that the Breton cidermakers gave us, most of them knowers of the Asturian cider adn our magazine (which they recive monthly), apart of those who already know physically our country and those who will do soon.

To mention one of the visited cider presses the St. Charles one, whose cidermakers appear in the picture consulting the information about the II International Exhibition of Gala Ciders, in which they participate with two cider varieties, and where we had a great welcome.
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