Fuelga Xeneral / General Strike

> Formal: construction, farming, manufacturing, mining, small businesses, smelting, etc. > Informal: blackberry picking, boarding houses, bootlegging, clothes washing, sausage making.<br>
> Formal: construcción, agricultura, fabricación, minería, pequeñas empresas, fundición, etc. > Informal: cosecha de moras, pensiones, contrabandista, colada, embutimiento.

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Fuelga Xeneral / General Strike

Post by Anzu »

Noticia garrá de/ New picked from: www.infoasturies.net

N'asturianu / In Asturian: http://www.infoasturies.net/index.php/a ... KkumIeZSSo

14-P Fuelga Xeneral

Esti miércoles Asturies apara con motivu de la fuelga xeneral de 24 hores, que vendrá acompañada de diverses movilizaciones a lo llargo de la xornada.
Esti miércoles 14 de Payares ye'l día escoyíu por organizaciones sindicales y sociales pa la convocatoria d'una xornada de fuelga xeneral de 24 hores, qu'afeuta a tol estáu español y a otros estaos como Grecia o Portugal. Nel casu asturianu, la previsión ye d'ésitu, dao que tradicionalmente'l nuesu país ta a la tiesta en seguimientu d'esti tipu de convocatoria. Enantes de les 00:00 (hora oficial d'entamu) la industria asturiana yá s'atopaba práuticamente paralizada, o con previsión de nun exercer el turnu de nueche.Trabayadores de factoríes como Starglass decidieron nun entrar al turnu de nueche. Tamién enantes del entamu oficial de la fuelga los servicios de recoyida de basories n'Uviéu tan paralizaos durante tola xornada. Industria y tresporte ponen les bases del ésitu de la xornada.
En cuantes a movilizaciones, CSI, CGT, CNT y SUATEA convoquen manifestación del sindicalismu asturianu de clase a les 12:00 con salida na Plaza L'Humedal de Xixón, pol repartu de la riqueza, contra los recortes, escontra'l pagu de la deuda y, en definitiva, contra'l sistema capitalista, que consideren agotáu perxuiciosu dafechu pa la clase obrera asturiana.
Los sindicatos mayoritarios, pel so lláu, convoquen el so propiu manifestamientu n'Uviéu, con salida na Plaza d'América a les 18:00. Nesti actu, amás de la presencia de los sindicatos CC.OO, UGT, USO y otres organizaciones polítiques o sociales, habrá un "Bloque anticapitalista" de calter críticu, que dirá a la cola de la manifestación cola so propia pancarta, y que cunta col sofitu del 15M, el CSOA La Madreña y otros coleutivos y persones individuales.
Pel so lláu, los y les paraes desendolcarán l'aniciativa "Arrodia l'INEM", entamada pola Asociación de Paraos/es del Valle'l Nalón a les 12:00 nel Serviciu Públicu d'Emplegu de La Felguera. Esta mesma aición va tener llugar nel "INEM" de L.lena, y nel de Llugones, tamién al mediudía.
A esto habrá que sumar les aiciones, iniciatives y demás sucesos que se desendolquen a lo llargo de la xornada, y que podrán siguise al traviés de los medios alternativos asturianos, con Glayíu a la tiesta, ya importante presencia de ferramientes sociales como Twitter, onde s'informará puntualmente de tolo que pase.

Semeyes: http://www.infoasturies.net/index.php/a ... Kkuj4eZSSo
14-P General Strike

This Wednesday Asturies stops because of the general strike of 24 hours, that will come along with various mobilizations through that day.

The Wednesday 14th of November is the choosen day by the unions and social organizations for the announcement of a generla strike day, that affetcs the whole Spanish State and other countries like Greece or Portugal. In the Asturian case there is a prevision of success, so traditioanlly our country is on the top of following of this kind of event. Before the 00:00 (official staring hour) the Asturian inbdustry was already stopped with the prevision of no night shift. Workers of factories like Starglass decided not to have night shift. Also before the official beginning of the strike the waste collection services in Uvieu were stopped during the whole day. Industry and transport are the basis of the success of the day.

Regarding mobilizations, CSI, CGT, CNT and SUATEA announce a demonstration of the Asturian school unions at 12:00 with starting point at the Humedal Plaza of Xixón, fro the redistribution of the wealth, against the economic "cuts", against the payment of the debt and in summary against the capitalist system, that they consider to be exhausted and harmful for the Asturian working class.

The main unions, on their side, announce their own demonstration in Uviéu, with starting at America Plaza at 18:00. In this event, apart of the presence of the unions CC.OO, UGT, USO and other political and social organizations, there will be an "Anticapitalist Block" of critical point of view, that will go on the last place with their own banner and countingwith the support of the 15M movement, the CSOA La Madreña and other people and collectives.

On their side, the unemployed people will develop the initiative "Surround the INEM" (Spanish Job Centre), organized by the Association of Unemployed Valle'l Nalón at 12:00 at the Public Job Centre of La Felguera.

That same action will take place in the INEM centres of L.lena, Llugones also at midday.
To that there is also to add the actions, initiatives and more happenings that will develop through the day, and that will be available to follow through the Asturian alternative media, with "Glayiu" at the top, and a strong presence of the social tools like Twitter, in where people will be informed promptly of everything that happens.

Pictures: http://www.infoasturies.net/index.php/a ... Kkuj4eZSSo
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